Finally decided to bite the bullet and get an IB account. So far I'm liking what I see, but as I'm unfamiliar with the systems here at this point, if you notice a glaring error/mistake on my part, please hit me up before reporting. I don't want to stir any waves, and I certainly don't want to make a bad impression on anyone here, members or mods, so let me know and I'll correct it. Thanks for your patience. :)
I'm in the process of moving my art from other accounts, in bite-sized chunks, so I expect to be moving pieces over the next few days. Hope you all enjoy what's to come.
I'm not much of one for posting "Thanks" on the pages of every single person who watches me or likes one of my pieces. It is in no way a sign that I'm not appreciative of your attention or goodwill, -quite the opposite- but I'm usually at a loss for words when someone faves one of my works, and I feel guilty using a dusty, old, copy/pasted "thanks" message, like I see so many others do every day.
So, I'll put it down here that I am grateful for each and every notice I receive. It means a lot to me that you would take the time to look at what I've made, and show that it appealed to you in one way or another. An especially large thanks goes out to those who comment on my works. I appreciate feedback, as often I won't recognize flaws until many months down the road, whereas constructive feedback helps me to make larger leaps in progress in a far shorter time span. I hope that my art interests you enough to continue coming back for more, as I love seeing familiar faces/icons. :)
P.S. I will also move a portion of this journal to my profile page, so those down the road will know the reasons behind my activities/inactivity.
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11 years, 1 month ago
20 Jan 2014 19:23 CET