Good for you! (^.^) I'm really happy to hear it because those artists really do deserve proof such as that to allow them to know how much users on these kinds of sites really appreciate their art! [^_^]
Good for you! (^.^) I'm really happy to hear it because those artists really do deserve proof such a
I see your point, but even with the dicks and assholes all over the internet there are those artists that you watch that draw and post all the (in your words) "weird" things that you're into without a care in the world what anyone else thinks and doesn't let any flaming trolls stop them from drawing anymore, so if you can, I say you should feel free to favorite anything you desire! (especially here, for reasons I have previously stated) [^_^]
I see your point, but even with the dicks and assholes all over the internet there are those artists