XianJaguar is a Freelance Graphic Artist/Illustrator with a strong interest in Wildlife and Fantasy/Sci-Fi themed art. She's been involved in the Anthro fandom for over 12 years now, and has had work published in Gallery, Hit the Beach, ArtZone, Women in Fur, Magic Carpet, Fang Claw & Steel, PawPrints, Anthrolations, Aether, World Tree, and Fur Visions.
In 2010 she was GoH at Rocket City Furmeet. The theme was "Lucky 8". She designed the website graphics, the t-shirt art and the Con book cover/back.
XianJaguar sells at the following conventions: AnthroCon, Further Confusion, Mephit Furmeet, Rocket City Furmeet, and on occasion, FWA.
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