YAY In the beginning of the new year, I get sick! Awesome! -.- Anyways, updates and such. Sorry for delays, being sick or not, I have to continue to work, and Ive been getting more and more hours as...
Sorry about the long wait on the commissions to all, my computer is now almost completely out of commission, but there is hope!! My mate is letting me take one of his spare comps, soooo I will have th...
I finally got a job! YAY! Commissions I am working on, are in just sketch process right now, and will be worked on, on my breaks, and down time from work! Sorry Its taking longer then it usual does. P...
Hello all!! Just a friendly little white tiger wanting to share her art and meet new friends! don't be shy contact me anytime! I love meeting new people!
Well if you don't mind sharing a bed with another girl you can room with me, I only have two room mates and with three it'll knock the price down by quite a bit.
Well if you don't mind sharing a bed with another girl you can room with me, I only have two room ma