Well I'm a __ year old ____ from ____ so nothing special. I'm shy and write as a hobby. I'd like to learn to draw but I'm god awful or perhaps its my failure to properly project the image in my head to paper. It's a shame and something I might work on. The work I do here will most be cub porn and incest.
I'm not a social person and usually shy. My posts here are some of the first ones I'm making public and not letting rot in my google folder. As for what I write, you can count on there being a plot but right now I prefer a little fluff and want to avoid my darker stories because my stories tend to go darker than intended anyways.
Stuff you can expect from me:
Straight or gay doesn't really matter but I have a preference for straight.
Kinks I'll do fairly often are: Incest, Cub, Animal Penis, Pregnancy, Anal, Oral, Penetration, Grooming
Kinks you shouldn't expect me to do: Scat, Herms, Giant Proportions (7 foot penis is a no...), Vore, Sexualized Gore
Links and Contact Details
No contact details added.