So I've spent the last month developing a Chrome extension called TMJ Notify. If you install that extension and link it to my website ( ) , you can get upd...
Hi! I'm Jack, a golden-mantled howler with a good mix of bonobo DNA and just a splash of mandrill. I love computers and programming (I made my own website from the ground up!) I follow a religion called Libidotheism, which at its core worships physical, mental, and spiritual pleasure, often expressed through sexuality. On a related note, I'm also a nudist, and love to be naked as much as possible. I don't consider nudism to be innately sexual, but unlike many nudists, I do not draw a line between nudity for the purpose of sexual gratification and nudity for other reasons. I believe one should feel just as comfortable expressing their sexuality as they do enjoying bodily freedom from clothing. As far as drawing, I basically do whatever I feel like. I'll try to draw any TV, movie, or video game characters I find interesting or attractive. I like to draw Pokemon, and Nintendo characters, and I like to tell stories with comics every so often. Sometimes I even dabble in animation when I can make the time.
To see my full gallery, check out, and consider subscribing to it to see lots of WIPs and doodles not available anywhere else!