I am a gigantic 350ft Raichu fursona, a shining raichu in my feral form with his own storyline and heritage; my anthro form which is of a more different, perhaps what you could call, 'dimensional nature', the two do not combine, but have their own likeness and interferences with one another.
I am a gigantic raichu, loving all things macro and huge, stomping and eating people and crushing towns. Simple enough, I am what you get, but also, not quite. I try to look for the truth and discernment of everything mythical, unmythical, life and alive and dead, the truth of everything. I am also looking for a very simple lifestyle to live in, as I look for practicality and security above everything else.
I am a very sentimental being, I love nature and animals, people and nature, but I am also very dormant and peacable until shallow aggression takes me. I am not one to be told I am wrong, but I can be loyal as I stand true only to my opinion, but I will ditch discreditors, unlawful people, etc. I do not forgiveness, but until I can see with my eyes what I know to be true, will I submit.
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