🕒 Time Zone: CST 🕘
Hi, name's Sp00nzie, nice to meet you all, I'm just a cute Pandamouse femboi lurking, commissioning and making new friends.
🌈 Basic Information 🌈
Age: 26
Birthday: 9th, June
Height: 5'3" ft (150cm)
Weight: 135lbs (60kg)
Species: Pandamouse
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status:Taken
Location: US
Colors: White and black with blue paws, tongue, pink inside ears, and tail.
😣 Personality 😊
Timid in nature but warms up to most people rather quickly once he gets to know them. Enjoys almost all technology, except for smartphones.
🤔 Likes 😄
Social / Offline
Hides from the outside world... And the Sun.
Social / Online
The furry community websites, post and share his paid / gifted art, share his ideas and feelings, making new furfriends, helping out, playing video games and coding.
PC Modding, Video Games, Music, Movies, TV Series, Anime, YouTube,, and smoking pot.
Pizza is love, pizza is life.
Anything with alcohol is better...
😫 Dislikes 😤
Social / Offline
Crowded places, Tiny spaces, Loud environments, Being approached and talked to by strangers, Being touched by strangers, Running, Rushing, Too much heat, Too much cold, Yelling, Fighting, Bullying, Hating, Harassment.
Social / Online
DISCLAIMER: Sp00nzie is MY fursona and ALL art belongs partially to me and respective artists, feel free to share anything you like as long as you give credit to the owners of their fursonas and the artists who make the art, any use of my fursona without my express consent is forbidden, other than that knock yourselves out, like, share, repost, it's all good.
I dont RP or have an F-List. If you happen to find me on there PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Links and Contact Details