Reopening comms forms again. Sorry for the long wait. I'll be taking 10 slots again and closing Friday 12:00pm pst. Feel free to fill one out if you're interested! You can order 2 commissions per per...
Hey everyone, I'm HowSplendid. I'm just a guy on here trying to get better at drawing, though I still have a long ways. ^^; I've been self teaching myself for almost 7 years now, and I really hope it shows! ^^; I'm not only found on here, but Deviantart and Fur Affinity as well. I'm a fan of many things; Touhou Project and Digimon being one of my main ones. I also love to play video games, so let me know if you want to go at it, ask for my gamertag. Retro games FTW! I usually mess around on my computer as well. I'm no computer wiz, but I know enough and also love to get things to work. Anyways, I hope to see you all around! Laters! :P