Hey everyone! It’s been a bit! Now, if you follow me on FA, you’d have already seen that I am indeed not dead. However, I forgot to share all my posts on here, so, I’m rectifying that now! Sorry for t...
Hey guys! It’s been a while since I posted a journal, so, thought I’d give an update. So, what’s been going on? I was in Austin, Texas from early April to just a few days ago visiting a few f...
Hey everyone, it’s Pi Day! And also a good excuse for me to make another journal. It’s been a busy last few months. I left my job back in February, which I’m really glad for. And then I got to spend ...
Name: Novak Costelatzia is my new, outward facing name, and will be the name of my fursona. However, you can still call me by Walto or Waltzing from my previous names. :)
I'm 25 years old, an on-occasion writer, and a bank teller. I am viciously gay, and am happily married. If you want to get a hold of me, I'm always open to meeting new friends. :)