Hey guys!
It’s been a while since I posted a journal, so, thought I’d give an update. So, what’s been going on? I was in Austin, Texas from early April to just a few days ago visiting a few friends down South.
I had a great time! Lots of walks (finally have a phone and a place where I could try out Pokémon Go). Went on a cool hike along a flooded trail and got to see a roaring river. Definitely glad I didn’t just jump in! Went to a couple arcades, attended some furmeets for the first time, and met some pretty cool people down there too.
Overall, it was an amazing trip, and there are at least one or two people who I really want to see again sooner rather than later.
While I was down there, my confirmation of permanent residence to move to Canada arrived in the mail! I will be moving to live with my partner mid-June, and while it’s been a hard five years of waiting, it’s totally worth it! I’m hoping this next month flies by very quickly!
But, sadly, on the last day of my trip, I accidentally knocked my external hard drive off of a coffee table. It was where I was saving all of my work while I was away from my desktop, and it bricked up. So, I lost a fair bit of work that I was going to share once I had more time to refine it. So, unless I can find a way to get the data off of it, I’ll be set back a bit on my writing, but, I’ll try and recreate what I can to the best of my ability. :3
The only sucky thing was I was going to by a new external drive after I got home anyway just for situations like this. :V But, can’t be helped.
Next time you guys see a journal from me, I’ll probably be in the Great White North, sipping Timmy Ho’s, eating poutine, and outrunning a moose.
Hope you all are well!~
~Novak “Walto”
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5 years, 10 months ago
15 May 2019 21:55 CEST