God I fucking hate my fucking job and I just want to fucking scream real loud because some Karen snitch employee bitch trying to get my ass fire because I was cussing my assistant manager out loud whi...
NOW GO POP SOME FIREWORKS UP!!!!! *crank the tunes up* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XrBet1Rv32k&pp=ygUfZGF5cyBnbyBieSB0aGUgb2Zmc3ByaW5nIHNsb3dlZA%3D%3D
Hi and Welcome to my Page! my names is Nick the Wolf
i am color artist for coloring owner art for crediting it
but however, here a list that i will draw and not draw
i will not draw for vore and other random vore fart and other random GROSS Farts facesit with fart overly fat foot fetish mlp and brony inflation Stomp Squashed baby toddler and diaper and other GROSS FETISH that i will never ever DRAW (and that include role playing it as well too)
And DONT Give me that crap of drama, whine, begging, and any other negative way from you because guess what from my journal said
But Nintendo switch for add friend, Ask me as send me a note about it
And one more thing i really dont want to hear a drama for a free watch and others complain comment as well too if you can't say nice word about me and my art, you will be block. i dont watch back for free unless i like your art style. sorry for making this, but i just can't stand to hear some drama. im here to have fun. not fame and drama
Hey there NickTheWolf X3 and :3! Thanks for favoring one of my submissions in the form of the following via the link below X3 and ^_^, and I appreciate it so much from you as well :3 and =3.
Expect me to get the other version of that submission ready when I can X3 and :3, and I'm sure you'll like it when I get it ready for you to see very soon as well X3 and =3. Expect more of my best art :3, and stories from me when I upload them here on Inkbunny when I can real soon =3. I'm glad you like my art so much ^w^ and ^W^. Thanks again NickTheWolf :D and =D, take care of yourself, peace to you, take it easy and I'll talk to you and see you again soon :3 and ;3.
Hey there *NickTheWolf* X3 and :3! Thanks for favoring one of my submissions in the form of the fol