My apologies for the delay to those who still don't have their images. I've been very busy with some work and the holidays (I was cooking a lot of u. u), but I'm now available to finish up those who I...
Why is it so difficult to win over or flirt with a girl? Second rejection from another girl, how do I feel? Like complete garbage with depression at its peak. Don't worry, I'm working on her commiss...
I will soon begin with the commissions I owe you. A number of things have happened to me that have not allowed me to continue, I have only written very crazy things like crazy physics theories, nice ...
Full Name: MozzyArts. Artist Type: Digital Artist. Registered since: April 27th, 2011 07:26. --------------------------------------------------------------- Names and data Name: Mozzlyn. Lastname: Sechy Laxuse. Nicknames: Lynn, Mozz. Age: 223 (Real: 31). Birthday: March 14. Languages: Spanish (native), English (A2), Latin (basic). Country: Spain. Beliefs: deism, science.
Specie and type of life Species: canidae/muridae. Animal: mouse/arctic wolf. Type of life: synthetic (between organic and robotic with some vampiric/wendigo).
Sex info S.O.: poly. Relationship: alone.
Favorites Favorite food: spaguetti. Favorite animal: all mammals. Favorite hobby: write (my universe with many details), read (quantic physic, languages, mystery, drama, stories and manga) draw/paint, 3D-modeling, cook (specially if it's italian or indian food. I love spices), videogames, sex o3o.
Other My own taste: vanilla. Skill: fast long jump. Profession: space explorer. Vehicle: springblossom ship.
Appearance Eyes: blue and green. Skin: between beige and dark beige. Hair: black and brown. Height: 177 cm = 1.77 mt. Weight: 63 kg.
Biology: Body based on: Sulfur. Respiration: N2E -> S2N2 // FE2 -> S2FE2 // ClE2 -> S2ClE2. Liquids: HuH, Hu2E2C16H32, Hu4E8C16NH28Se4S6Z6Fs2, NH3, E2N, N2H4.