Hey, my own page to show off (and store) all the images of my character.
I'm more than happy for anybody and everybody to draw my character, so long as they let me know, so I can put it here and say "ooh doesn't this look pretty."
Feel free to contact me with any of my contact details.
[10:38] Spots: I just got invited out for a meal, I told my roomie that I was making friends with a small dog who wanted to cut people
[10:38] TexasWolf Helstein: LOL
[10:38] Spots: she wasn't freaked out. I think people are getting used to me D:
[17:22] Miqu Naidoo: Forgetful much?
[17:22] Spots: I'm blonde
[17:22] Spots: remember?
[17:22] Spots: 'cause it's the one thing I do
[19:29] Spots: I think pictures of me hanging over every wall should be a mandatory health regulation in all households, businesses and resturants.
Links and Contact Details