I'm available for commissions but most of My Little Porny pics (save for references for my characters) are commissions, I've gotten from Marauder. If you are interested still please send me a note.
I'm available for commissions but most of My Little Porny pics (save for references for my character
His hatchery would be a mix, Depends on his partner. He type if the foal is to be raised dragon they live with him. If raised pony then with there mother. He has one foal with his friend/occasional lover raise.
His hatchery would be a mix, Depends on his partner. He type if the foal is to be raised dragon they
He's actually a pretty nice guy, he is protective of his worshipers and minions. Though understands minions will perish in protecting a dungeon just the way it is. But he is a very social dragon happy and what not. But steal from him, Betray him or wrong him he flips over to his draconic side and will ruin someone. He is fiercely protective of anyone is classified as a worshiper. So yeah he would have regular unprotective sex filling her belly over and over again. Also occasional for good worshipers they get a gift from his treasure room.
He's actually a pretty nice guy, he is protective of his worshipers and minions. Though understands
She sounds perfect as one of his many mates or dragon cultists. maybe both, Yeah he will keep many stallions and mares around as guards and lovers. Worshipers to draw power from. Alongside monsters he enlists to help protect his dungeon also he totally has no issue having sex with monsters or committing incest.
She sounds perfect as one of his many mates or dragon cultists. maybe both, Yeah he will keep many s
Yup yup, It be a matter of trust and it being brought up. Dirge likes making new friends and worships. He's also a polygamist he doesn't understand ponies having a single mate, coming from land of dragons makes no sense to him ha ha.
Yup yup, It be a matter of trust and it being brought up. Dirge likes making new friends and worship
Your idea actually is supported in dracosteed lore, but the partner would need to be highly trusted and the dracosteed would need to be a dracologist like dirge is to do it. See when a dracosteed reaches there adulthood they either soulbound with an unhatched egg becoming a dragoon. They are infused with a high level of draconic magic bringing on the shapeshifting traits of dragons turning them into dracomancers. Or there bathed in Genesis waters bringing forth there beastial draconic heritage, turnnig them into dracologists. Potentially if he were to inject or bathe a pony in genesis waters he could slowly change them over time.
Your idea actually is supported in dracosteed lore, but the partner would need to be highly trusted
I would be more then happy if they met and the female version of your oc was to have his foal/s. Also i don't mind the female side laying eggs by the male version, Though she generally requires you to traverse an overly dangerous dungeon and then give her some treasure to enjoy her treasured delights -chuckle-
I would be more then happy if they met and the female version of your oc was to have his foal/s. Als
Yeah his views are skewed, but yeah he'll mate with the monsters he gets to guard his dungeons. He also likes having unprotected sex with lots of mares, Currently only one canon kid. But im hoping day to expand his list of offspring. Kinda always had a thing for breeders.
Yeah his views are skewed, but yeah he'll mate with the monsters he gets to guard his dungeons. He a