Gender: Male
Location: United States, Ohio: Outskirts
Art Style: N/A (Watcher)
Age: 23
Occupation: CMHC (Community Mental Health Center) Part Time Volunteer, Computer Home Tech, Online Dating Help
Personality: Fun, Loving, Silly, Shy
Current Status: Teaching Computer Classes, Attempting Drivers license, Maintaining a Decent Job, Looking into College
Commission Info: N/A
Current Game Systems: Wii, PS2, XBox 360, N64, NES, SNES, PC, DS, Gamecube
I enjoy watching, not much of an Artist though, need lots of practice with drawing.
I'm not much of an Artist so don't expect any artwork drawn by me, but I will occasionally upload artwork that was done for me. I'm a pretty open person so don't be afraid to chat with me.
Links and Contact Details
No contact details added.