Greetings traveller, if you can see this page then you have found me - Kelpaz
I come from a "far away land" called Furaffinity, Im sure you've heard of it.
The yeen of Kelpaz creates drawn arts and makes 3D models.
As a fan of my own worlds, you'll see me create a vast amount of species, all with their own stories and distict designs.
In general the worlds I've created (so far) are:
NVP (Non Virtual Proxy)
Time-Strikers (Name pending, all content is on FA)
I favour animal designs over humanoid, my most alien species follow a very classic look that I've refined over the years.
My artistic skills are mostly self taught but I have learnt that the most important way of starting anything is simplifying the design first, then you add details gradually.
(Yeen has reserved this space for future expansion)
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