Hello everyone. JC Solis here. Apologies for being dead for so long on this platform. I don't usually get this inactive, but I started college around five months ago in late August, and I had to buck ...
Welp, I'm in some deep shit now. Apparently, some bozo had hacked into the account of one of my old clients that I worked on and got to earn my trust before asking me to check out a game of his - yea...
Writing Commissions, Types and Pricing Hello, Everyone! J.C. Solis here, writer-for-hire who is looking to earn some coin making your fantastical stories come to life. I have THREE SLOTS available, ...
In the far region of Daegar, Pokemon Trainers are breaking boundaries with their relationships with their pokemon. These stories are perfect for those who love pokemon-human romance, drama and sex.
You're welcome and enjoy watching this man going a gun rant while playing new vegas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbB-6LMF788 (Congratulations, you have now contracted the Gun Fetish Perk from watching that video)
You're welcome and enjoy watching this man going a gun rant while playing new vegas: https://www.yo
Thanks for watching, JCSolis01! You know, if you're interested in a furry writing server, I run one. We're currently doing a NaNoWriMo event. Why not stop by? https://discord.gg/RApm2um
Thanks for watching, JCSolis01! You know, if you're interested in a furry writing server, I run one.