Poképhilia Story
Love had No Bounds
For the Love of Frog – Chapter 2
By J.C. Solis
It was the middle of the night as Lakeshire Town was in the middle of another calm and sleepy repose. The cricket pokémon were chirping, with the nocturnal pokémon being on the prowl. It was a night that basked underneath the magnificence of a full moon, this being the noted Harvest Moon that brought farmers to the end of the growing season and to reap the bounty that was before them on the fields. And with this, another day had passed, with Autumn finally here.
The Fall brought along red leaves and progressively colder days, a sure sign that the frost was coming in several more months. And it was underneath the basking of this new season that many people were getting into festive moods. Halloween was due at the end of October, as was the Day of the Dead in early November. And so the holidays were on the horizon, bringing along festive treats and happy memories that one got to make with friends and family. For now, the air was filled with Pumpkin spice filled the air as the cold brought along the urge for warm beverages aplenty.
But in one particular household, the night was anything but smooth. It was in one particular bedroom where haunting dreams and moans were heard coming from a lass who found it too hard to fall asleep as terrible dreams berated her mind. And with that came a powerful jolt that shook her to the core.
Saria jumped up from bed, her heart pounding as she breathed heavily. She had been in the throes of a terrible nightmare, with dreams so horribly that she wished to forget about them entirely. She looked around her room, in the darkness as she was panting.
“Saria! Are you okay?” asked Razor as he looked her in the eyes. “Did you have another nightmare?”
Razor looked on at her with a worried look. The Greninja was startled awake, wondering what had happened to his partner. He noted how agitated she was, and with that, he put a hand on her cheek and looked at her in the eyes. Upon gazing at his sky-blue irises, Saria finally began to calm down. She breathed in a sigh, noting how flustered she had become and how she worried her partner.
“I’m sorry, Razor. I had another nightmare; a really bad one,” she admitted. “Can you cuddle me, please? I really could use your support.”
Razor smiled as he did just that. He spooned behind Saria’s back and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close to his body. As she was only wearing a bra and panties, the contact was very much skin-to-skin, and it was this that allowed the two to bond in a little moment as Saria tried to fall back asleep. It was going to be a rough night, as the clock noted it being around 2 AM. Tomorrow – or more accurately later today – was Saturday, and it would be a well-needed break from work at the Pokéball plant. As the two of them drifted off back into sleep, they wondered what they could do once they awaken. There was a full day ahead of them, and they would love to bask in the antics to come.
The morning soon passed as the two went to sleep. In six more hours, the alarm clock on the bedside dresser rang, with Razor extending his arm to silence it. The two were still rather groggy, but they were more than willing to get up and make haste.
Saria and Razor rose from the bed, the two of them having slept the remainder of the night in their warm embrace. Though the night was blissfully cool, and for sure being cuddled by Razor helped in alleviating any more nightmares, Saria was still not yet fully recovered from her initial dream. It was something that bothered her profoundly, and she wasn’t too keen on recollecting the dream that set her off into a brief panic. And even though Razor was with her and would intently listen to her woes, she just didn’t want to bring it up and cause herself even more duress.
The only thing the two could do was prepare for the rest of the day.
The two had risen even before their alarm clock would ring, and feeling no point in it beeping they shut it off for the following morning. It was now seven thirty in the morning, and it was a rather cool and comfortable one. It was a time to rest and relax, hoping that the new day would bring along good tidings. Perhaps a hearty breakfast would help them start their day well.
Saria got dressed in her usual outfit, putting on her red skirt, black tank top, and brown boots. She was ready to try and get her day started, though what exactly this day will entail was anyone’s guess. There was just the hope that today’s ambiance would help with the healing process, and the two lovers exited their room and headed for the kitchen, where they hoped to eat a good meal. Breakfast was always the precursor to the day that lay ahead, and a terrible meal meant an overall day that would be equally as crummy. It was just how things were.
The two didn’t feel like cooking, so they had a simple bowl of cereal – a sweet cereal with marshmallow bits inside of it. Pouring a lot of Moomoo milk was what happened next, and the air was slowly filled with the lovely smell of coffee that wafted up from the coffee maker behind them. It wouldn’t be a good morning without the morning brew, and it was a staple within this household.
Razor took delicious bites out of his cereal as Saria took a sip from her coffee mug. She took generous sips from the mug, hoping to wash the sweet cereal down with a piping hot caffeinated beverage. But no matter how hard she tried, she could put a smile on her face. She was in woe, of mounting pain that continued to pervert her thoughts and destroy whatever happiness she still clung onto. And the feeling was not a fleeting one, for the anguish she felt was something that came from the soul itself. And her soul and heart were in deep depths, the life seemingly being sucked right out of her body. She took bites of her cereal but only really because she was hungry.
There was a lot on Saria’s mind that morning, with Razor looking on at her with a worried face. He couldn’t stand seeing her like this. She was far from being the perky, upbeat woman she used to be. He read from his book on the psychology of depression that it was usually around Saria’s age where one would start to develop the condition – though really, anyone at any age was vulnerable to contracting this mental malady, even when there were no underlying causes as to how a person became like this.
It was a difficult time for sure, with Saria feeling she was dragging down everyone she cared for with her in her spiraling depression. There was no cause to have this depression, so she would tell herself. She ought to be a happy woman, one who enjoyed the many gifts and blessings that life itself had to offer. But no matter how hard she tried, she could not bring herself to stand tall and proud. She was punished for every thought of why she was like this, shamed for having any sort of happiness, and brought even deeper and deeper into doom and despair.
At last, she stopped eating her cereal, not willing to take another bite.
“Eat up, Saria,” encouraged Razor. “Your cereal is going to turn soggy.”
“I’m not all that hungry,” Saria rebuffed. “I just don’t want to eat right now. All I want is to drink some coffee.”
“Well, you need to eat something, My Sweet,” Razor pushed. “Otherwise, you’re going to be all loopy throughout the day. I’d rather you have a more steady head.”
But all Saria did was look down at her bowl of cereal. She couldn’t bring herself back up, and the more she thought about her misery, the more downtrodden she became. The cereal just looked so unappetizing, and her stomach didn’t clamor much for food. All she did was take sips from a large coffee mug – though perhaps coffee was non-conducive to a relaxed mind. But she more than took greedy sips from her mug, hoping that the added energy from caffeine would at least give her some energy while her body would clamor for food later on.
The two of them eventually finished their meals, though Saria still left quite a bit of food left on her plate. She threw whatever remained in the trash and the bowl into the sink, though she didn’t wash it. All she did afterward was head off to the living room and sit down on the loveseat. Razor sat down on the long couch and cracked open the book “The Deepest Despair: How to Note and Treat Depression” and tried his best to learn all he could from it. He was almost close to finishing the book, and he had learned a ton about Depression and how it affects one’s life. He hoped to apply this newly acquired knowledge with Saria, hopefully helping her shoulder some of her anguish.
Saria turned on the TV and saw the morning news. There was a lot of talk about Poképhilia and the antics of the activists from both sides of the aisle. There was news that the Daegar Government intended on making the practice of Poképhilia completely legalized, though there was still opposition from certain members of government and civilian society. One of those people was none other than the notorious Anti-Poképhilia priest Father Matthew Grint. The older gentleman went on a tirade as to how the Poképhiles were degrading society and how they committed blasphemy against Arceus.
The priest’s tirade seemed to have no end, and Saria was none the better for listening to the anger of the priest. She didn’t want to listen all that much about the news for fear that her depression would be further instigated, but it was something she felt that she had to watch. It was then that the conversation finally broke away from the priest and went to face a man who was very much at the front of the Pro-Poképhilia side – a man by the name of Josiah Canterwall. He was with his Gothitelle, whom he outwardly and openly confessed as his partner. Her name was Johanna.
The protests and counter-protests carried on in the news. But Saria was given some relief when the commercial break came, an advertisement for a brand of Malasadas from an Alola Company coming on the screen. They certainly looked tasty, and for sure a little pokémon or even a human child would love to have a few of the tasty treats for themselves. It was a comforting image for Saria, seeing a commercial filled with little kids pokémon who were coming over to enjoy the tasty snack.
For now, Saria turned off the TV and sighed. The news was bleak, and life itself also seemed as much. It was difficult for one to get one’s spirits up with all of this troubling news. Though she hoped that the law would be passed, she didn’t hold her breath on the legislation becoming law any time soon. For now, all she did was look at the blank, black screen of the TV. It was hard enough to handle her depression when so much negativity was showcased on the news, even if the news portrayed people coming together in solidarity for what they believed in.
All Saria wanted to do was relax and ease her burden. All she wanted was to be happy.
Razor closed the book he was reading, having read the entire length of his helping guide as he turned towards Saria and noted how glum she looked. She seemed to be within some mental straights, and so he got off his sofa and went to sit down next to her, hoping that perhaps his presence would help ease her tension. The book said that a depressed person needed all the support they could get, and perhaps contacting some friends would help ease the tension.
“How about we head to the PokéPark, Saria?” suggested Razor. “I think our friends said yesterday that they were going to hang out and maybe have some battles. Wouldn’t you like to go?”
Saria nodded her head, her grim face unchanging.
Razor grabbed her from under her arm and lifted her. She was in a weakened state, seemingly unable to move around of her power. He noted how stark and stoic she looked, as though she was shouldering something terrible within her mind. Her eyes were blank, but behind them was a world that seemed to be falling apart at the seams.
The two left the house and locked the door behind them. It would be a bit of a walk to the PokéPark, but thankful it was close by and not too terribly far a trot. Razor did his best to comfort her, to bring her along the road as he clutched her by the side. He seemed to be holding up her complete weight, feeling a bit tired from having to lug her outside of the home. But he remained quiet and considerate, hoping some time in the open air and with friends would help her greatly. She needed this badly, and he hoped that their friends would offer even more support
The Park was always a favorite spot for people from all over town. It was the perfect place to kick back and relax, to bask in the sun as some fun activities could be had. Children and small pokémon were once again playing in the jungle gym, people and pokémon both even swimming in the nearby pool to cool off, and even folks and their partners who were battling it out in the battle courts.
In one such court was a Zoroark and Inteleon duking it out against each other, with their respective trainers giving out commands on what to do. The scene was set for an epic battle, though the Inteleon seemed to be the one winning. All the water spy lizard had to do was line his sights and used Snipe Shot to hit the Inteleon from a distance. All the while, the Zoroark used Night Daze and caused the Inteleon to have a lapse in accuracy, the lizard missing where the fox was originally after being blinded by a cloud of darkness. It was a battle between two powerful pokémon, but the Inteleon was still the better fighter and the one who seemed to be coming out on top.
Saria and Razor went up to see their friends Sarah and Rose as they duked it out with their respective pokémon, Virgil the Zoroark and Dante the Inteleon. Everyone seemed to be having a fun time, and it was clear that the pokémon were enjoying duking it out against each other in the arena. Razor felt motivated to give it a shot, with Saria ordering him to attack either Dante or Virgil.
“Oh, hey there, Saria!” called out Rose. “Here for a bit of a walk?”
“Sup there, Saria,” greeted Sarah. “Want to cheer me and Virgil on, hehe?”
Saria nodded her head as she tried to smile at her two friends. It was a difficult time for her, and her friends knew this about her. They wanted to cheer her up, and hopefully, a pokémon battle would do just that.
“How about you have a battle against me and Dante?” suggested Rose. “I know you’ve been through a loading heap. Then, the three of us can have a little chin-wag, maybe get us some bloody pumpkin spice whatever that’s out there.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea,” agreed Sarah. She then turned to Saria. “Do it, Saria. That might help you deal with whatever it is you’re going through.
Saria only nodded her head, thinking about how she was going to do this. She and Razor went to the arena, with Razor giving her an assuring look about what the two were going to do. He wanted her to enjoy this time, to help sway her nerves and make sure that she would continue with her life without too much worry. There was no need to feel so glum all the time.
Saria took her position with Razor as Rose and Dante took theirs. But Dante wanted to be rather cheeky, even though Saria was perhaps not in the best mood.
“Let’s do this for the lovely maiden who is feeling a little downtrodden,” announced Dante. “Razor, my friend, let’s give this the best we bloody can. I want your trainer to not be so muddled and distraught anymore. Let’s put a good one.”
“You’re on, Dante,” agreed Razor. “Let’s fight so that My Sweet here can finally feel better.”
Saria was touched by the words of the two pokémon. They truly seemed to care about her. Everyone seemed to want to cheer her up, and it was a feeling of Hope that started to wash over her. Everyone was intent on making her happy, and she couldn’t help but feel a little upset about why she continued to remain unwell. It was a feeling that she desperately wanted to get rid of, but no matter what she tried she just couldn’t bring herself to do so. The anxiety was starting to build up inside of her, and she didn’t know how to control it.
Razor and Dante began their match, with Saria commanding him to use Water Shuriken while Rose commanded Dante to use Snipe Shot. The two of them launched their moves, and the water bullet and water star connected in a small explosion. The two continued trying to hurt each other from a distance, using everything from Hydro Pump to Liquidation to their signature moves. But both sides seemed to be equally matched in speed, skill, and power. Before long, the two pokémon were starting to get tired, and it was then that they charged at each other, using physical hits on each other.
But Saria’s despair only continued to mount. She saw how hard her pokémon was fighting in this battle, giving his all against an equally powerful opponent. The feeling of dread in her heart only continued to mount as she tried her best to suppress these inner emotions. But they were slowly starting to bubble out of her, unable to be controlled. A tear began to drip down her cheek as Razor waited for her to for another command. He wondered what was causing Saria’s lapse in concentration.
It was then that the dam of tears broke. Saria began sobbing as she fell to her knees. She no longer felt like she was in control of her emotions anymore. Her blubbering caught the attention of everyone, and they were all wondering what had become of her. But on collapsing to the ground, they all rushed to her aid, the battle now finished. Rose, Sarah, Razor, and the other pokémon rushed to her aid, hoping that they could at least do something to help sway her nerves. But Saria seemed inconsolable, her tears cascading down her face as a torrent of water dripped down her cheeks. She was no longer in control of herself.
“My Sweet!” asked Razor worriedly. “Are you okay? Can you stand?”
But it was then that Saria collapsed on her side, the cascade of tears unceasing as she blubbered out. She was in the midst of an Anxiety Attack, one that caused her heart to palpitate and her nerves to start to fray. She was entering into a world of anguish and hopelessness, unable to stop herself as she cried out in hysteria.
The was something about the young woman’s pitiful wails that brought everyone around her in deep sorrow. They had never seen this side of Saria, a normally peppy girl who enjoyed being in the company of friends and companions. This was a side of her that nobody had known, not ever Razor. All of her misery, all of her distress, and all of her anxiety were coming to the fore, the feeling destroying her mind and swallowing her soul. Her heart was palpitating hard and fast, and she couldn’t bear to stand it anymore. She felt like she was about to die right then and there, and nobody could stop the mania as she entered deeper and deeper into her Anxiety attack.
Being a nurse, Sarah went up to her and checked her pulse and her other vitals, hoping that the poor woman wouldn’t go through other complications. All the while, Razor clutched her hand and put a hand to her cheek, trying to sway her anxiety and allow her to calm down. He read that whenever someone was having an Anxiety Attack that it was important that those who were connected to the person get near her and ease that person off of their anxiety. Attacks like this were often brutal, with people even undergoing psychosis and terror. He could only imagine what was going on in her head.
“Saria?” called out Razor. “Are you still with us? Can you speak?”
Saria nodded her head.
“I’m sorry, Razor,” she blubbered. “I’m sorry, everyone. I’m not strong enough. *sob* I just can’t control myself. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
The others looked on at her and went up to her to pat her on the head and body.
“No need to go apologizing, chap,” assured Rose. “We’re all here to keep you company.”
“That’s right, lass. We’re all here to give you a little pep for you in case you can’t make some for yourself,” added Dante.
“My Flower and I will remain at your side, as will your pokémon Greninja lover,” assured Virgil. “None of us will leave your side. You can count on us to take care of you.”
After hearing the solidarity that all of her friends were under, at last Saria began to calm down. Her tears stopped flowing, and she was able to pick herself up into a seated position. Razor took this opportunity to hug her side and bring her close to him. He wasn’t about to abandon her at a moment when she needed him and the others most.
Saria looked on at everyone, letting out a slight smile at all the friends who were around her. There were even strangers from the park that were looking at the group and at the woman who was on the ground, wondering if they would have to call the paramedics to take her to the hospital. But such a thing wasn’t needed, and soon she felt well enough to be able to stand up. Her friends grabbed her shoulders and waist as she attempted to lift herself, hoping that she wouldn’t have a sudden tumble as she got up.
The situation was now defused, with Saria once again in a more stable condition. She didn’t know if she’d be able to continue with the battle, but her friends assured her that everything would be fine and that all she needed, for now, was to worry about recovering. She was brought to a nearby bench, where Razor was sure to sit next to her and bring her even tighter to his slick and warm chest. He wanted her to be better. He wanted her to heal. And she would slowly do all that in time.
Today was a rather eventful day, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons. Saria looked at her friends and sighed, having now come over the worst of her attack. She still felt confused and dizzy, a sure sign of the anguish that she had gone through. But she was thankfully pulling through the worst of it, feeling better as she now had the company of her friends. And yet, she still felt rather ashamed of herself, feeling grief over causing them all so much worry and leaving them afraid for her life. But overall, the worst had come to pass, and she was doing better.
“I’m sorry, everyone,” recanted Saria. “I didn’t mean to ruin your day. I wanted to come to the park to enjoy a good time with Froggy, but I guess things got a little out of hand.”
“No need to worry about any of it, chap,” assured Rose. “I wasn’t feeling all hunky-dory these past few days either. It’s good to get out those feeling of ill that one’s good going on.”
“It’s good to have a good moan now and again,” added Dante. “My Sweet Trainer here loves to get things off her chest from time to time, hoping that it might cause her to destress.”
“It’s important to have one’s health as a priority,” noted Virgil. “I’m always careful to take care of My Flower as we live together. Her health is my paramount, and so is yours to Razor.”
“Stay strong, Saria,” added Sarah. “You mean so much to us all. We all want to wish you well.”
The solidarity between her friends was something that lifted her spirits. It was such a feeling of companionship that gave Saria strength. Razor cared for her well-being, as did the rest of her friends. There was nothing to fear so long as she had all of these wonderful people.
She looked back at her Froggy, who still had his arms wrapped around her. He was her rock, her strong and brave partner, someone who’d always stand by her side. She didn’t mean to cause him any worry over her state, but he was more than willing to come to her aid whenever she was feeling down. She meant so much to him, and vice versa. The two of them were inseparable, and nothing would come between the Greninja and making her happy.
For now, all Saria and Razor could do was head back home – though they returned with people who wanted to keep them company. The friends and their pokémon followed suit, with Rose having the mind to watch a movie via streaming service and Sarah having the urge to order some pizza and take-out. The day seemed destined to end on a more positive note, and it was something that Saria felt grateful for. They arrived at her house and the group stepped inside. The house smelled of pumpkin spice, a remnant of the coffee that she and Razor had earlier today.
Saria sat down on the loveseat with Razor while the other friends took their seats with their partners. It was still the afternoon, so it seemed that now was the time for some lunch. Sarah ordered food via a takeout service that would bring the food over – this being Chinese food that everyone would be sure to get a piece of.
The day was ending in a happier tone, and Saria couldn’t thank Froggy and all of her friends enough for what they did for her. She couldn’t wait to eat some comfort food – especially since she had a bit of a small breakfast. Her stomach was growling, and everyone laughed at the hunger she had, including her. It was time to eat.
So ended the day as a good time, despite the situation that Saria faced earlier in the day. It was beneficial to have such caring friends and her Greninja lover would never leave her side. It was time to repose and relax, and hopefully, the next time is less intense. It was time to gather their friends together and make the most of what remained of daytime. The day would be spent watching movies and eating loads of delicious food.
And with that, Hope was once again restored in Saria’s heart. She was once again happy. She was once again calm and at peace. And with Razor and her friends by her side, nothing would bring her down like today.
So she could hope…