A Shinx A Riolu Both male Personalities yet to be defined Gimme names for them Preferably fitting ones Preferably not of existing riolus or shinxes, bar coincidences No name limit per person Just shoo...
Just in case, i'm apologizing about the flood of images from me. At one point, i found myself too lazy to post all the stuff that i post on FA already, but now i used FA2IB to transfer all of my stuff...
Well it seems that my pictures have garnered at least a bit of attention in IB too, which was a little unexpected. But if you want to stay up to date with me, i suggest you follow me on FurAffinity as...
Ah, sorry ^^;... I tend to be a little scrambled now and then, but I'll probably do a TMI next Tuesday XD I forgot to reply to your Geoffrey PM I just realized!
Ah, sorry ^^;... I tend to be a little scrambled now and then, but I'll probably do a TMI next Tuesd