Full Name: Gyo Karu
Artist Type: Digital Artist
Current mood: creative
Mew hi my fluffy fellows, (and non fluffy ones too) this account might get some nice stuff before my FA does, reasons? .... i used to draw a lot with another account but the whole story about it its a secret =3
Now i will be working alongside my Gf SherlyKaru who is really skilled too.
its time to get naughty >=3
NOTE: "haha a friend asked me something really funny so i decided to tell the name of the character that Gyo loves, her name is Naomi and she belongs to SherlyKaru but Naomi was born first =3
♥♥ / l/l ♫
♥ -( ._.)- ♪
♥ /l
(゚、 。 7
l、 ~ヽ
じしf_, )ノ
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