Just wanted to say anything here lmao. I haven't had the best health for the last year and I honestly haven't really been on here in so very long. Same goes to my FA. I spend my fapping time usually o...
Hey just went through a complete overhaul of my FA profile FoxyTrip ( https://furaffinity.net/user/FoxyTrip ) and was wondering if I should do it here as well.... go ahead and check it out and give ...
Hey guys! I'm "Dr." Telek "Foxy"Trip. I used to use FA (I now hang out on Twitter where I just retweet whatever I am fapping to since Tumblr's fall ) yet my all time favorite artist
lived here so I had to be here too. Unfortunately I am to poor to support him on Patreon and the other amazing artist who's work I would love to support who have unfortunately blocked me behind a paywall I can't climb at this time.๐ญ๐ Otherwise I'm proud of being a Fur and I openly show it to everyone including my own IRL family. I'm committed to
who is the greatest Wolf-fox in the world for putting up with me and for taking such unimaginable care of me. I'm always up for meeting new furs and getting more involved in the Furry community as a whole so feel free to pm me, find me on fa, email me, or find me on Facebook...Oh and by the way my Facebook is my own personal page not just a furpage I don't mind but in case there is any confusion. I'm a bit socially awkward but what furry isn't I guess haha. I am a fox too so I'm most definitely pervy and flirty with everyone I meet so please don't be too offended if I am a bit or a whole lot forward. I more than gladly share with anyone my plethora of pictures and videos of myself and I thoroughly enjoy to roleplay. I will gladly allow others to use my sona in anything so don't be shy to ask. This fox enjoys being passed around~ I also am an amateur writer who is actually quite good IMO with writing erotica and dirty dialogue, I have a very dirty and kinky imagination too. I would love to collab with anyone who would want me to, especially right now I have way to much time on my hands.FYI please don't take my punctuation seriously as a reflection of my writing skills or my intelligence. I only use it appropriate when I need to. I also have a passion for medicine and especially Psychiatry/Psychology and is why I have the Greek letter Psi tattooed on my left hip and is also sported on my sona. I feel like my fursona is me and vice versa so I try to make sure they match up. I just need to add my nipple piercings to him still~. I am open to any questions, comments, or complaints about me and I mean anything, so please don't hesitate to say something.