Like the title says, I'd like to go to Midwest Furfest. I have enough to travel and attend, but I need to find someone to room with during the convention. Anyone here able to help me out with that?
Still need a bit more money for food and hotel at Anthrocon, so I'm open for commissions! Cost per character is $20 pencil, $30 ink, and $40 color. If you're interested, note or email me at daq.artwo...
Hey, everyone! I'll be attending Anthrocon this year. You'll be able to find me in the artist alley all three days. I'll be rooming with my friend Sailoranna again. Hotel website gave him the wrong D...
Anyone who would like to color my work may do so (if you need color reference let me know). Credit me for the line art and please don't forget to include any copyrights that were in the description if you upload the colorized pic; send me a link to it as well.