Jocelyn (Bluey)
Artist | Hobbyist | Digital Art
United States
Name- Jocelyn (Bluey)
Birthday-November 14
Nationality-Mixed African American & Native American
Occupation-Digital Artist and College Student
Favorite Cartoon Character-Pikachu & Serperior of course <333
Favorite Music-Hard Rock, Techno, Hip Hop/Rap, & Gangsta Rap
I'm just a 21 year old hobbyist digital artist who wishes to work for Nintendo. I'm a nice young woman who is keen on meeting new people and making new friends. So if you wanna chat and say "Hi!" feel free to do so. I'm not quite in the professional realm of a digital artist quite yet, but I will work on pushing myself harder in order to improve.
I LOVE drawing Pokemon and Happy Tree Friends fanart.
Gifts & Art Trades are open
Commissions are on HOLD
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