Funny thing, all I really want is to either have a job to start paying bills again or for some miracle to turn around and get my YouTube channel making me money so I can work for myself. I don't even...
Alright, so, I know I haven't been very active on here as far as journals or submissions go but I'm really wanting to reach as many people as I possibly can. So here's the skinny, folks. I have a You... Go there. Subscribe. Like and share the videos. Leave me comments. There's the Patreon for my YouTube channel. Contr...
hmm... i think you were waiting til your last con or the con before it anyways my skype.. im on hit me up, add me.. im only there now its the same name as well my YIM was ;)
hmm... i think you were waiting til your last con or the con before it anyways my skype.. im on hit