So, good news. In a month, I'll be moving to another state to live with my brother. He guarantees that I'll get a job that will pay more than my old job. I just have to keep my finances together unti...
I'm fairly confident that I can find new work elsewhere, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling nervous. I'm anxious right now. I truly hate to ask, but if any kind soul would like to donate som...
There is an artist on Pixiv and Pixiv Fanbox that I commissioned named Florida Man. He was excellent for Pokephilia. Quality art for cheap prices, and he seemed like such a chill dude when I talked to...
Hey everybody, I'm a writer that loves making erotic fanfiction of various Sonic characters, and possibly other characters too someday. I'm also into demons, as shown in the personal stories that I write for my gallery.
My biggest fetishes are impregnation, demons, Herm on female sex/rape, and female domination, especially when a femdom is combined with straight shota, same thing goes for reverse-rape. Expect all of it to be added to my gallery in all sorts of combos.