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╚══╩╝╚══╩╝╚╩═╗╔╝ if you're a brony
───────────╔═╝║ and proud!
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Something about this Brony, Bunny, Tabby Fox, Hedgehog
-Im a proud "Brony" from USA Maryland!
-If you want to play something with me, feel free to ask me!
-I love to do "RPS" when I have time!
-If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me whatever you would like to know!
-If I don't respond to your messages right away then I might be busy! So please don't take this wrong not ignoring you, And will get back to you as soon as I can.
-If there is something important then try and "Boop Me" x3 a bit till I respond!
-Feel free to Watch / Friend Me! :3
BlazenShadow / √iρ૯૨₃₁ Pony Info:
Species: Pony (DJ Pon-3 you know "Wubs" plenty of them! :3)
Gender : Male
Likes : Pizza, Cooking, Gaming, Art, Guitar, Music, Djing, Techno! And you know heheheweee Scratch - BASS CANON!!!!! PARTYS!!! =D Plus Many Many WUBS!!! :3 Just to many things to name right now maybe another time... x3
Furcolor : White mixed coat with many colors - shades of blue.
Orientation : Straight
Relationship : Happy being free!
Family : To many to name but ♥♥♥ "Wubs" you all!
Most important people: All of you! Never forget it! :3
My Little Favorite Quote!
“The way you see people is the way you treat them, and the way you treat them is what they become.” ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Links and Contact Details