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And I am not jocking. I think this is the first time I am so serious.

Jeez, this is the worst month of the year:

- Few support (patreon, subsribestar, comments, views, whatever).
- Few time to draw for comissions (and the few I pictures I am working, when I am on a process YOU CANCEL THE COMISSION, WHY? WHY ARE YOU WASTING MY TIME?, Duck you).
- No economic support (all want free? I don´t want put paywalls like others).
- No job on RL (and probably I will not find).
- Several deceases (I am very consumed and tired).
- Economic crisis on the limit (yeah, Mexico, and some fools saying we are better than before...).
- Douchebags comenting garbage everywhere.
- DA again removed me 4 pictures in 1 day, jeez, somebody really hates me on DA.
- And with all that shit I don´t feel right.


I think when I finish the marathon I am going to dissappear for a while because as artist this is not working. I love draw, is my pasion, is something I really love since I have memory and I take my time writing, posting, replying EVERY comment on every gallery or webpage. I am so patience, but right now, is running out.

Tell me in what am I failing? Am I dissapointing you or what? What are you waiting from me? Why are you watching me? I am tired of find what people want and when they have it only I receive a "please make more"... REALLY? Thats all? C´mon guys you are more than that.

Puck. I don´t feel right.  :/
Viewed: 225 times
Added: 6 months, 3 weeks ago
6 months, 3 weeks ago
I don't want to be one of those that keeps saying make more of those and can I hope you return after your break.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
I will take a break, but first I must finish this marathon. (we are on half of that story).
6 months, 3 weeks ago
About the SubscribeStar people joining and then leaving. I heard that webscrapers just join Patreon and SubscribeStar creators and scrape off everything they can (meaning that they take and download everything). Those are probably bot accounts, which is why SubscribeStar has a setting called Supporters Filter to try and stop it from happening. You can read about it in the settings page. Which is why they send in "Disappointed" when they're done. It happened to me once so far.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Yes, but for be on those pages somebody must first join in your page and take everything. Ironically on Patreon I have an option of pay for advance; bots don´t pay. I am safe on this point for now. But yes I knew some pages about it, and one of those I track always for see if I don´t fell on those sites... but I don´t know how many of those sites exists.  :v

Is a problem because small artists are literally ducked up and die for lack of support.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Yeah, it's not easy nowadays, but I'm trying to stay positive because there's enough negativity out there. I wish you the best though. :D
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Yeah is not easy.

Jeez, the world is crazy. I try to be positive like you said but... I think I become intolerant to stupidity?  :v

Best wishes for you, and good luck in your projects.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
You do what you must dear. *hugs tight* we're all in a tight spot it seems. this year has not been the greatest. too much going on. to much change to fast. the world needs to heal. needs to take a break. Give us all a break already!

*hugs tight* Hope things do get better soon.

6 months, 3 weeks ago
I’m sorry to hear about the deaths in your life; I hope that you're able to attain peace soon.

The life of an artist is not for everybody. I write as a side hobby and used to be pretty prolific at it, but the fact is, my day job is what pays the bills. I write occasionally now—when the mood strikes and usually when I have a commission lined up—but I don't rely on it for my livelihood. Some people can make their passion their career, but most cannot. Don't let necessity taint your love of art. Find a job that will pay the bills so you can do your art as a passion project, not a means to an end.

I hope things get better for you.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Espero que la situación se ponga mejor, entiendo lo desesperante que son esos momentos.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Espero que si cambie para mejor, porque ya estoy llegando a un límite.

Es, como si fuera una racha de mala suerte y que empeoró y se juntó todo de golpe desde que comenzó este mes, porque es diario de que algo o sale mal, o de plano pasa algo y todo se arruina. Y ya me estoy cansando.  :/
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Es una porquería cuando pasan esas cosas, le hace pensar a uno que es hasta un mal chiste. Lo mejor es tomarse un rato y alejarse del ambiente de tensión para poder relajarse y ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva.

Entiendo que además sea una situación económica complicada pero, si podés, date unos días para descansar.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
De hecho es un mal chiste, o peor aún, es algo que ni llega a ser un chiste, es algo que quizás sea... un balbuceo con babas al aire. xD

Te pongo un ejemplo para que veas en deviantart cómo estan las cosas de mal.

Esta imagen y junto con otras las reporté hace tiempo:


Esto es porno, una erección es material explícito. Pues ahí está y con la opción de reportarla como material explícito bloqueada. Porqué?! Esto un meco lo ve y nadie le dice nada, es porque es material de IAs? es porque es furro? es amigo de uno del staff?

Es una doble moral que bueno, no tengo palabras para describirlo. Y hoy mismo me borraron otro dibujo que es, si, sugestivo, pero este otro que ni censurado y ahí está.

No entiendo a esta gente. Es este tipo de detalles que me tocan los Bambis y Tambores y me ponen de malas.  :/
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Jajaja es una locura!! No puedo creer que eliminen tus dibujos!! Subes un pene cada diez años y tienes que sufrir esto XD
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Y lo gracioso es que esos dibujos que tengo con personajes que tienen penecillos del tamaño de un meñique NO ME LOS BORRAN, y mira, para que veas, me borraron ESTE:




Ya no se qué está bien y qué está mal.   :v
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Wow... parece hasta un dibujo que podrías encontrar en la portada de un libro romántico... Realmente están manejando un muy mal criterio si te borraron ese.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
La verdad no se. No se si es mal criterio o de plano alguien me odia y quiere que me vaya... o de plano los devs de ese sitio estan... pues eso.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
So very sorry to hear this... :(

*offers hugs*
6 months, 3 weeks ago
*Hugs received*
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Hola, tengo poco tiempo de seguirte y me he vuelo fan de tu arte. Entiendo tu situacion y espero que mejore. Quisiera suscribirme a tu patreon pero tambien la estoy pasando mal economicamente. A veces es necesario tomar un descanso y despejar la mente. Ojala todo mejore y un abrazo.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Hola.  :3

El problema ahorita con patreon es que, bueno es un relajo con lo de los pagos, y las comisiones que se comen (son altas en mi opinión) y en parte, el tipo de contenido que es limitado... aunque en mi caso me dejaron subir mis Bambis pero bajo la condición de mantener siempre mi contenido oculto.

Lo otro seria en subscribestar, aunque apenas voy despegando allí, y aun no veo claro como voy a sacar el dinero.  xD  Me estan poniendo muchas trabas, como el tipo de bancos, que no aceptan paypal y que no se puede retirar dinero hata que tenga minimo $150... o sea que no cuento con ese sitio por ahora.  :/

Si me voy a retirar por un tiempo, pero será hasta que acabe el maratón (se volvió personal  xD), faltan como 15 dibujos todavía, de ahí me tomo un descanso.
6 months, 3 weeks ago

But there's a trend. As economy gets worse - world wide - people have less money to spend, and the first expenses they cut are luxury and culture. If you aren't sure if money's enough for food and rent at the end of the month, first thing you cancel is the zoo visits, the museum subscription, and all your patreon and youtube memberships. Only in the second step you cancel netflix and the like.

In isolated cases that might not matter much, but since it affects so many people in so many countries, every artist now gets that to some degree. Artists offer a service that is not life-essential. It's one of the first thing to get cut, if people have to cut expenses. That in turn of course makes artists much more susceptible to phases of economic downfall.

Was the same thing in 2008, just check old journals on FA or here on IB.

Hardship also makes people bitter and mean. People still desire that art, but they can't afford it anymore, so they start bitching and whining and wanting it for free. So the tone in forums and discussions gets hard to deal with. There's just a lot of underlying pain.

Knowing all that doesn't make it any better for the artist, but at least you know you aren't alone in dealing with that.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
And, add another one on this list of problems: AIs.

We, artists, we cannot draw quickly as AIs and many of those are much better than months ago and are free... and people prefer things not matter if have 3 hands or weird backgrounds... but it´s free and more quickly for get.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Sending you my warmest of wishes <3
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Thanks, best wishes for you too.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
I've always appreciated much of your art. Sorry that things aren't good, that you are in this situation. I would do more if I could afford. The only time I had something to really give away, some years ago when I sent you the wacom tablet. Which ended up not working as expected, sadly. :(
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Hey, that tablet saved me when I really need it and is something I really apreciated it of you. And I still conserve it, and it still works, only I need a better pencil.  :v
6 months, 3 weeks ago
If you looking for blunt honesty, for me personally I love you art.
but there are two things I can think off that keep me from staying a long term sub
1)subscribestar wouldnt let me access work for 30 days to prevent webscraping, now this I totally get, but after waiting the 30 days and being double charged for no reason, I didnt feel like staying if im gonna be charged 20 bucks for litterally sitting there which brings me to #2
2) content, theres nothing wrong with what you draw, its not bad and honestly I love your stuff. Its what you DONT do that draws me away, alot of stuff it just... too tame. theres alot of full body illustrations which look good but don't hold attention at least personally

Usually I don't really give feedback, but I hope this helps
genuinely hope things improve for you  
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Jeez, I didn´t knew about that issue of subscribestar.  >:/

Patreon has a similar issue, but is something people didn´t knew until is too late. If you join example today, you will pay for enter, but Patreon get the money of everybody on each end of month, so you will pay double and many leave for that. Is not my problem, is something of the system.  :/

What do you suggest for call your attention?  :v
4 months, 3 weeks ago
I will say, your art is well made and looks good, but the cold hard fact is that sex sells.

Nude pinups will be drowned by the sheer amount of directly explicit content that makes people horny (and potentially willing to pay to support that content)
I understand you have reasons for not delving into that, and it would be trading your integrity to do so.
Doesn't change the fact that sex sells.

I wish you all the best!
4 months, 3 weeks ago
Yeah, nudity vs explicit.

Is an endless conflict.  xD

Yeah when I draw is for, you know, art, apreciation, if I go for money... well even if I draw explicit art the competition is HORRIBLE (and without draw explicit art I have enough with some "artists" steal ideas or don´t give the credit...) and is something I don´t want.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
There is a bright side. DA banned porn, so expect some more commissioners mayhaps.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
First, I don´t draw porn, and second I reported a time ago bunch of pictures like this:


An erection is consider porn. And as you can see it still there. And the option of report as explicit has been blocked.

Double standard of DA.  >:/
6 months, 3 weeks ago
My bad, DA is going the way of the Dodo
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Worst... anarchy, chaos, whatever. Until that point I think is the same or worse than FA... excepting DA don´t banned you for one picture... yet.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
a veces es mejor darse un tiempo. lamenteblemente la gente en internet suele ser muy insensible con los artistas, pues como no tienen interaccion directa piensan que todo les va bien. Yo te entiendo porque tambien soy mexicano y Si, TODO esta de la chingada, yo aun con carrera terminada fue dificil encontrar trabajo. Te sugiero te des un tiempo, y asi puedas volver con fuerza recargada. exito y fuerza.
6 months, 3 weeks ago
Y si... y ni hablemos de cómo está el país porque madre mía con todo lo que ha ocurrido solo en este mes se nos cae el servidor.  xD

Sabes qué es lo que me preocupa? la insensibilidad, la gente se ha vuelto muy insensible al dolor ajeno, si vemos solamente lo que acaba de pasar en Acapulco son debates y discusiones superfluas e inútiles en detalles que empalidecen con cosas más serias y graves como, no se, lo de Israel y Gaza, cosas asi.

Pero si me daré un tiempo para descansar, pero quiero acabar primero el maratón (ya vamos a la mitad  xD) que ya se volvió algo personal, después de eso, veremos qué pasa.
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