feel free to ask about requests and stuff!
also feel free to pester me on discord, or anywhere in general. i don't care
hey furry fans, it's me: Mean-spirited, sarcastic, and all that stuff. I know, I know! I'm going to leave this behind. I want to move on to something entirely new. I want to make my voice my own, and be creative. It's like it's never stopped me before: The more I think about it, I think that it might. That is, unless there's a new album coming out, or a TV show I haven't seen yet but would like to see, or a blog that I've been meaning to try but can only blog about once a year or so. When you look at my past writing I was pretty obsessive about that part, but what I've learned over the last year is that I'm not as crazy about music writing as I thought. I'm not a perfectionist. I love that I wrote one letter to my blog every month, when I was in college, and that went on for over three years. The writing process is very interesting, but once I understand that I stop loving that part
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