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Lost Though by undeademon
Lost Though
Sup, I am alive
So I've been doing uni lately, all health and stuff and nothing else much, I dunno if I wanna keep doing poems and stuff, but I would love to make it a thing and hobby if I was to get alittle popular ...
11 years, 5 months ago
B-day (3 days ago xD)
Yay another year older, and another year closer to me saying "Oh No!" hahahaa b-day was three days ago :D had lots of fun, went to a few places, got to see Oz the powerful and wonderful (or somethin ...
11 years, 12 months ago
Uni!!! and Hello!!!
Uni :D i'm going to uni to study a 'Prep For Uni' Program =3 cause im a couragless lion :P So im doing a program for 13 weeks full-time for a prepping program (Fun!) then going to a Clinical science...
12 years ago
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Lost Though by undeademon
Lost Though
The Purpose of my Love by undeademon
The Purpose of my Love
Poem about - Rain by undeademon
Poem about - Rain
Regret by undeademon
A Heart by undeademon
A Heart
My love by undeademon
My love
The Darkest heart by undeademon
The Darkest heart
Don't cry by undeademon
Don't cry
If you could, you would by undeademon
If you could, you would
Rage Inside by undeademon
Rage Inside

PoolsSubmissions grouped togetherSee All
The Darkest heart by undeademon
My love by undeademon
A Heart by undeademon
or atleast i think they are
4 submissions
Relaxing time by WolfLady
Relaxing time
by WolfLady
Art Process by WolfLady
Art Process
by WolfLady
New Lingerie  by WolfLady
New Lingerie
by WolfLady
Wanna walk me? by WolfLady
Wanna walk me?
by WolfLady
Fera Sketch by WolfLady
Fera Sketch
by WolfLady
Hyacinth Icon by WolfLady
Hyacinth Icon
by WolfLady
Be mine by WolfLady
Be mine
by WolfLady
Love silhouettes by WolfLady
Love silhouettes
by WolfLady
Angel by WolfLady
by WolfLady
Fire Fox by WolfLady
Fire Fox
by WolfLady
Ziaki by WolfLady
by WolfLady
Kunani by WolfLady
by WolfLady
See More in Favorites
Key: Italic = Journal infromation, Bold = Archive information
Date: 1973 Dec 16, Profiler: Oracle & 002, Subject: 002
Most Recent Opening: 2011, October 27th

Informant:: Recovered Information of Subject 002's journal and profiling archives


Subject: 002

Name: Blake Metalien Cervestial l : B'lake Me'ta'lien Cer'ves'tial : (last two fake, first name is not)

Age: ---Unknown----- Journal dates back to early agest of industry

Sex: male

Race: Wolf and Dragon hybrid

--- Classified: Undead hybrid, cosmetic appearance un-affected, biological highly affected, still feels pain and emotions, able to socialize and act like a average person. This state also gives the subject prolonged life, reason for living today. Dragon side race has been recently discovered not natural born Dragon, instead a type of DNA race transmogrification from artifact salvaging, artifact has been secured, subject location is currently unknown ---

Eye colour: green but also known to be blue, brown surrounding the pupil, right eye appears dead when contacts lens is removed, while still having sight in itit

Hair colour: brown n

Appearance: Wolf/Dragon hyrbid, brown fur instead of scales, a black concentration around the central part of his chest, a scar on the right shoulder (background: he had lost his arm in an experiment of pure mana explosives, 2 months later recieving a mechnical arm replacement, 3 months later succeeding the pure mana bombs ,later his lover had replaced the arm fixed, but delayed due to the loss of the ingredients needed for the fix, replying it was a "accident"), a large claw slash on lower back (background: this was gained from his previous lover upon their first encounter). He is known to wear a black cloak and cargo pants, both with many pockets with a neckllace and wears a pendant of a chess piece that is heavily enchanted, under that, wears specially woven chainmail to withstand swords (opposed to heavy weaponary) but stays well hidden, covered by a single shirt, and tight-fitted armoured leggings  that are hide under the pants, these seen to be worn to be as casual wear. Sometimes seen in his home in a single shirt and pj pants and his pendant, confirming the rumour he does not ever remove the pendant, another rumour being that his right eye is blind and covered with a contacts lens, this was proven wrong when a drunk asked him to close his left, then attempting to attack him, instead losing his hand.d.

Personality: Strange, witty, a deep down softy, intelligent, loves fair competition, games/gaming, extremely loves rainy days, especialy in winter, somtimes mind is off or other times...psychopathic, has a inner dark self opposed to the outter good self, but serious when in any danger or threat, the darker self he fears, due to his younger darker "past" he was considered a demon for how he acted, not proven though, he fears it due to the damage the dark side could do if it was to get loose, terrible memory and sometimes becomes clueless (believes this is due to one time he had one time died in a accident of undead resurrection with soul attached, he believes it worked, and is undead, with consiquences eg. memory loss, loss of aging, need of proteins to keep a considered vampiric regeneration, or his body will not heal like any other person), has a a-strange way to handle things, always tries to make sure he's doing things right, shy at times but extremely crazy when he is not, any other time is him acting bored, very playful, secretive and sometimes solitary, can get very annoyed at times, and when preffered to be undisturbed, would be reccomended to leave undisturbed, a bad pet peeve is if a person was to act stupid or extremely retarded in a sense, cannot stand and must look away.

Training: Novice in CQC, able in all around weaponary combat, ranged weapons dangerous in the line of sight and open spaces, magical weaponary and other related he is considered highly dangerous, creative and considered a experimenter of magic and a dangerous understanding of magic, only excelling at magic, but enchanting is a unknown region to him.

Preffered weaponry: Swords, magical items, weapon charms, physical body with/without magic, magical attacks, augumented guantletsts

Weapons of choice: two elemetal augumented guantlets, in the appearance of claws, not considered sharp when worn improperly, but in the pressence of magic, becomes extremely sharp and is able to change elementsts

Affiliations: Subject 002 has infitrated several past factions, including ones considered myth. The subject has had affiliations with several races, these include humans, reptilians and Angelic beings. Known motives for these acts are completely unknown, although driven on a sole being, becoming obsessed. This obsession becomes evident during the time of the interracial war against demons and angels alike, at that time, news of heaven and hell attacked by these people dated October 27th. This event was the appearance of the Goddess "Romonia", which instantaneously ended the war, naming the battle ground where this happened after the goddess herself. The battlefield is still scarred with heavy amounts of magi magic, including scans that are similar to Subject 002, confirming involvement, as well as written it being written in journal, confirming past involvement with the goddess "Romonia".

The Darkness Form

Name: Kalbe : Kay'lbe :

Origin: Darkness resides in demon heritage passed down, Mother is natural demon born, Father is Natural born wolf clan, had periods of time with no trace at all, returns appear a month later. The darkness has been quoted several times from subject "curse" and "blessing". Mother: Unknown, Father: Deceased

Background: The host is in no control over this "darkness form" and has only appeared in life-threatening situations for its host. This "Darkness" figure has been the result of many horrific historical events. The "darkness" as far as information goes, a entity that takes a host once the previous host has died, and as far as we know, the subject has posses this darkness for a long significant time.

Appearance: all physical flaws cease to exist, the body that was once, turns to complete darkness, eyes glow red, demonic aura becomes evident and he becomes engulfed in pure darkness, any curruption in appearance is from the mind and all he touches tends to die in seconds, opposed to full and larger living things. The Darkness form grows in the presence of negativity,while he cannot be hurt during this form, he weakens with little negativity and holy aura's in the area, resorting to his physical form becoming vuanrable, the darkness engulfed around him can turn to physical form, all must be wary of this trait and to expect the unexpected.

Personality: Only objective is Darkness and destruction, cannot be bargained unless it is to gain and for the opposition is to lose, also has been included in cold logical deals at times. Do not seek out for assistance of hiring

Warning: DO NOT at all costs approach for CQC, weilds deadly claws that is capable on penetrating armour, avoid this at all costs, reccomended to attack at long ranges, also reccomended not to engage in combat at all.

Please if you have: seen, heard activity of, seen activity similar or anyone who matches the description

You are to: Immediately report to your higher officer or commanders and await for commands

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11 years, 4 months ago
sure ^^
11 years, 11 months ago
LOL omgmomg congrats!!
12 years ago
tehee hiya there!!! better and better daaaw thanks x3!!! and wo so much favs!
12 years ago
Hehe o 3 o  well it is floofy and huggable
12 years, 3 months ago
omg! thx!
12 years, 10 months ago
two watchers! still better than when i started, but not when i last left! xD
13 years, 2 months ago
yay :D
13 years, 2 months ago
ok Bite!
13 years, 3 months ago
Can somebody bite me on the butt so I start doing a bit of drawing xB
13 years, 3 months ago
Something weird, I'm introduced into the idea of people having a "cherry" and about a month later, I'm hearing it everywhere...well not everywhere, but you get the idea xP
13 years, 3 months ago
tehee thank you!!! and thx for the favs too
13 years, 4 months ago
Mrowr, thanks for noticing my lonely page, eheh. Mm, and thanks for the favorite...was really tough to express that kind of thing, but I'm better off for it in the long run. Mew, be sure to check out the rest of my gallery too...I've got some other stuff that isn't so depressing, and could be interesting to ya, so yeah. Heh, and don't worry about me -- if I don't have anything nice to say, I won't say it at all. Stay cool!

Best regards,

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