Hello everybody! I'm an amateur writer (meaning, I am not being paid for it right now, not unskilled) of furry fiction with adult themes. I'm still in the stage as an artist where I draw more inspiration reading, watching and enjoying art, than by creating it, but I do quite enjoy writing, especially when I get praised by most generous, flattering people for it.
Also, do NOT give me credit if you see drawn art in my gallery. It's most likely NOT mine but uploaded on behalf of artist friends that allowed me to do so. If I ever learn to draw above say, stick figures and amateurish 3rd-grade level crap, I'll let you all know.
Character info:
Black-and-white anthro plantigrade striped skunk featuring thick bold stripes that almost shimmer when he's moving. Black belly like most skunks. Brown eyes, and interesting draconic sigil burned into his right shoulder, the Dethek rune for "Dragon", known to shimmer bright red if and when he changes form. Frequently known to wear novelty T-shirts and jeans or a plain red shirt on a more formal occasion. Likes white gold or silver jewelry but rarely wears it.
Age 29 , 5' 10", roughly 180 pounds, mostly in muscle, mildly athletic build. He doesn't work out more than he needs to maintain fitness.
Before you ask: Yes, I do RP.
Links and Contact Details
XMPP (Jabber, Google Talk)
Yahoo Messenger