間もなく、私は北海道へ百姓になりに行きますよ。 I am moving to Hokkaido soon to become a dairy farmer!
It's important to mention here that I have no idea what I am doing.
The farm has about 200 cattle and is located in the middle of nowhere between a big plateau and a range of volcanoes. The nearest main urban area is 50 minutes drive by car and it's going to be extremely cold.... No-one speaks English around these parts so my Japanese is going to get an amazing workout.
That sounds rather exciting, but, I hope you'll be able to handle it, don't know what it's like blindly going through something like that, I wish you the best of luck.
Although with that last statement in mind, I might have foolishly assumed you were Japanese. Forgive me lol.
That sounds rather exciting, but, I hope you'll be able to handle it, don't know what it's like blin
Thank you for wishing me well. It is going to be extremely tough (what I have mentioned is but the tip of the iceberg!) but I'm prepared for it to be that way....
Hehe, no problem or need to apologise. I'm not Japanese ^.^ but can use the language to an 'awkward' functional level. XD Regardless, I am not trying to pretend to be someone who I'm not. I introduced myself to the farm openly and honestly; they seem to be welcoming and helpful.
Thank you for wishing me well. It is going to be extremely tough (what I have mentioned is but the t
Ah, I understand then, I guess when you're seeing both English, and Japanese text it's easy to assume one or the other. It's comforting to hear it, I hope you'll be able to get as much help as you need to get started! I wish I had some advice to give, as I have had experience as far as farming goes, but I cannot remember it. (too young)
You are very welcome, the least I can do. Ah, I understand then, I guess when you're seeing both En