Even though it was ages ago when I read it, I recall it being anything but thick reading. So it should be a breeze to revisit. I'm reading a lot of Kazuo Ishiguro's novels lately. Excellent before-bed reading.
Even though it was ages ago when I read it, I recall it being anything but thick reading. So it shou
Yes, it was supposed to be a book for children, after all, iirc. I must say I never heard of Kazuo Ishiguro until now, when I get the time I might try to check out some of those novels - always looking for a good reading, so thanks for the suggestion :)
Yes, it was supposed to be a book for children, after all, iirc. I must say I never heard of Kazuo I
The author I'm referring to here is Tim Weaver. But other authors I love include; Terry Pratchett, Alfred Bester, Robert Rankin, Samuel R. Delany, and Arthur C. Clark. There are others too but I will keep this reply short *nerdglee* ^-^
The author I'm referring to here is Tim Weaver. But other authors I love include; Terry Pratchett, A