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My Pink Rose - My Blue Hero
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Melatovnik's Scraps (91)

Diamonds in the Sky

Once Upon a Time
Keywords male 1195726, female 1085579, gay 149635, human 108403, hedgehog 76029, sonic 61774, sonic the hedgehog 60166, m/m 50627, mobian 29396, love 24208, kissing 22901, christmas 21844, sonic team 19747, shadow the hedgehog 17014, sega 15196, yaoi 13636, shadow 13098, romance 9075, sonadow 8911, winter 6381, friendship 5329, shadonic 1742, comfort 956, shadowxsonic 666, sonicxshadow 558, flashback 551, angst 544, maria 515, maria robotnik 413, first kiss 186, sonic/shadow 24, shadow/sonic 17, pov first person 2
A light shiver passed through my body in a feeble attempt to fend off the freezing air; I searched for at least a little bit of warmth—any form of comfort, whatsoever—that was left. I found this feeling quite strange, really.

Ever since I was created, I had been called the Ultimate Lifeform. And I’ve yet to cease living up to that title. I’ve dodged hundreds of bullets speeding at me in a single second, destroyed half of the moon, warped through space and time, and run at speeds no other creature could possibly reach—with the exception of that blue hedgehog, of course—all with little effort. Although I have (and could once again) accomplish every one of these feats, the freezing air still managed to break through the protection of my fur, skin, muscles, and bones; somehow, it delved deep into the very fibers of my body, my mind, and my soul—mercilessly crushing them in its icy grip—to the point where I just couldn’t help but wonder if I was still alive. Perhaps the “Ultimate Lifeform” really wasn’t so perfect, after all.

A puff of air escaped my lips as a shudder once again stirred deep within my chest, my red-streaked arms squeezing my legs to my quivering torso tightly as I continued my desperate attempt to contain any warmth still present in my being. I was sitting and leaning against the frozen, rough bark of an aged evergreen. It stood on the edge of a gently sloping cliff that gazed down to a small community of humble homes; they bared a dim yet warm light that came from the clear glass windows adorning the buildings. Other trees, similar to the one I rested on, surrounded the area in which I was presented: a green forest of pines and needles.

A thick blanket of dark gray clouds covered the sky. Because of this overcast, I could only assume it was late in the evening. Flakes of snow slowly but steadily fell from the dreary condensation. The snow gradually came to Earth, building up to a thick, powdery layer on the hard ground and on the prickly branches of the trees that enveloped me. But I didn’t bother brushing off the white flakes that stuck to my quills and fur. The only movement that came from my body was the frequent shivering, the sporadic flickering of my pointed ears, and the blinking of my crimson eyes. I didn’t give any thought or action to the cold snow gathering around me; my mind was elsewhere, far away from the harsh reality of winter. Within the very core of my memories, I reminisced a time of innocence and simplicity.


Looking out the clear, glass windows of the observation deck, I thought arbitrary thoughts while idly gazing into outer space and counting the limitless bright stars…

My ears then twitched as I heard footsteps coming toward me from behind.

“Shadow? What are you doing here?”

I glanced at my friend’s reflection on the window, now right next to mine. “Maria,” I greeted her calmly. “Just… looking at the stars.”

Maria smiled, her large cerulean eyes setting their gaze on them. “They’re really beautiful, aren’t they?”

I nodded. “They are,” I replied quietly. Observing the giant blue mass that the ARK orbited once again, I wondered aloud: “Do… do you think the stars look different from Earth?”  My eyes locked onto hers through our reflection. “More beautiful?”

She blinked, looking at the planet on which neither of us had ever set foot. “Well,” she spoke, lightly tapping her chin in consideration, “at this time of year, the stars would be hard to see if you were to look at them from the planet. There’s a big snowstorm going on down there over one of the planet’s landmasses, and the clouds are probably blocking the stars from sight. Grandfather said that this happens during the winter season, too.”

Another nod from me, this one of understanding. The Professor had taught me many things about Earth and its natural phenomena, including both weather patterns and the four seasons. “Ice crystals in the form of precipitation” was what Professor Gerald told me about snow. He also taught me that it only fell during winter, the coldest time of the year.

I always wondered what it was like to feel cold…

“But anyway,” Maria, giggling, playfully poked the tip of my nose—an affectionate method she commonly used to both catch my attention and make me sneeze—“I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how pretty the stars look from the planet when we get there, right?” My friend grinned and bent down to embrace my shoulders. “And then we’ll have a snowball fight, make a snowman, drink some nice hot chocolate—oh, and we’ll even celebrate Christmas! Won’t that be just so fun, Shadow?” Maria drew back from the hug and gazed at me, her shining sapphire eyes cheerful.

Returning the hug and pulling back as she did, I nodded and beamed brightly at the girl. “I can’t wait.”


I smiled slightly at the old memory, almost blissfully losing myself in it, but then I remember the horrible incident that caused Maria’s death. I frowned bitterly, cursing both G.U.N. for initiating the operation and myself for giving them reason to. I sighed into the frigid air and closed my eyes.

It was Christmas again—the day of giving, receiving, and being together with family and friends. But what “friends” did I have? I didn’t quite consider that blue hedgehog, Sonic, to be my…. friend. Nor the others.

…Hmph. Well, maybe Rouge and Omega—but only in a strictly professional manner.

Anyway, they were having some sort of Christmas get-together; I’d been invited, though I still had yet to join them. As if I’d even considered going. It’s not like they’d even care if I bothered to show myself there.

No, they wouldn’t—not like Maria had. How could I trust them? Yet that blue hedgehog… for some strange reason or another, he always tried to chat with me, race with me, or invite me to join anything he and the others were doing—all with that kind, friendly smile and those bright emerald eyes.

Did he really care about my well-being? Did he honestly care about… me?

…An absurd thought.

The crunching of snow and shaking of branches quickly interrupted my contemplations. My ears twitched, working to focus on the direction of the disturbance, and, simultaneously, my ruby eyes flew open to scan the area uneasily. “Who’s there?” I called out.

“Shadow? That you?” another familiar voice responded.

“…Faker?” I stood, the snow that had stuck to my fur falling off and hitting the ground. I spotted the figure that had appeared.

There stood Sonic the Hedgehog, his cobalt quills partially covered in ice crystals. A cozy-looking scarf was wrapped around his neck and some matching gloves replaced his usual white ones. I could also see that he was shivering. His muzzle was faintly pink from the chill, and he seemed to be breathing heavily. For whatever reason, my stomach just decided to start twisting around itself, and my heart skipped a beat or two at the sight of him. Even my face felt warmer, despite the cold. An… odd occurrence, to say the least, but an easily dismissible one. For now, at least.

Finally! Jeez, I’ve been looking all over for you, Shads.” An icy gust of wind suddenly came through, blowing the snow around in midair; it caused the azure mobian to shiver some more and squeeze his arms to his torso. “M-Man, how long have you been here? You must be freezing your fur off!”

“Me? Cold? You d-don’t know what your t-talking about, blue h-hedgehog,” I argued weakly, but, unfortunately, I was trembling so much that I couldn’t even lie properly. “I’m n-not c-cold.” I sniffed, my nose congested. I sat back down against the tree, finding no need to continue standing. The icy weather was really starting to get to me, much as I hate to admit it. Not that I would tell that to the nosy faker.

Sonic rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me. “Oh, come on. Don’t give me that, now.” He smiled good-naturedly and sat against another tree, facing my direction. The hedgehog appeared to consider something for a moment, then took off his scarf and handed it to me. “Take my scarf; you need it more than I do. I’m used to the cold, anyway.”

My gaze jumped from him to the scarf, then to the ground. The freezing temperature was quickly becoming unbearable. Brows furrowed in defeat, my hand slowly rose to take hold of the wool clothe and lift it from his. I carefully wrapped it around my neck and muzzle, sighing as the soft jade fabric began retaining some much needed heat that would have otherwise escaped with the harsh wind. My eyes closed briefly, and I breathed deeply, unconsciously taking in the pleasant, intoxicating scent imbedded in it. Only then did I realize that it was the scent of the other, much to my embarrassment; a faint blush grazed my cheeks, thankfully hidden by the scarf.

I opened my eyes to look up at the one who had generously offered his only form of warmth to me. When Sonic had said he was used to the cold, I could immediately tell he hadn’t been honest; the subtle trembling was enough indication to support that notion. Despite this, I simply let my sight drop to his shoes, deciding to show my appreciation at least a little bit.

“…Thank you.” I said the two words loud enough to be understood through the somewhat thick fabric.

The cobalt teenager seemed taken aback, even surprised at the thanks, but then he simply grinned. “No problem.” Sonic bent his legs to his chest and rested his fawn-hued forearms on his knees. “So,” he changed the subject, “what are you doing here, anyway?”

My gaze set itself on the small village off to the side, crossing my striped arms. “I could ask you the same question.” I looked back at the other. “Why were you searching for me?” Curiosity took hold. Shouldn’t he be with his friends or something? Why was he even out here in the first place?

Sonic scratched at his ear, a small, hesitant frown appearing on his muzzle. “Well, I was just wondering where you were since you never came to the party.” He seemed uncertain, puzzled—a rare expression for him, considering his usual nature. “I invited you, I think. Didn’t you want to come?” His eyes avoided mine.

Shock at his uncharacteristically meek words tore my gaze away from the valley below and to his eyes, my own wide in disbelief. My lips parted, searching for a reply, but none came. Speech had eluded me.

He… he had really wanted me to be to be there, didn’t he? But for what reason? I was no more than a rival, a reluctant ally at most. What could he want from me?

Once I was finally capable of emitting a response: “…Why? How would I being there make any difference to you?”

Emerald pools lifted to my own, and I was startled to see… hurt. Offense. Anger. “What? What the hell are you talking about? Of course it would’ve made a difference if you’d been there! You’re my friend, Shadow!” By the time the blue hedgehog had finished, he was on his feet right before me, looking down at me with righteous irritation. However, the expression then immediately morphed into disquiet. “I mean… you are my friend… right?” Fawn cheeks appeared flushed due to the intensity of his short yet impassioned speech. His hands balled into tight fists, eyes once more evading mine.

Again, I was lost for words at first, much to my disgruntlement. But how did he expect me to reply? I sighed, adjusting the cloth so that my mouth was free to speak more clearly.

“…” I paused for a moment, trying to get my thoughts together. “I never would have guessed that you considered me as such.” I said quietly.

Sonic froze. Then, a single blink. “I…” A small, sad smile revealed his disappointment. “How could you not see it? We’ve been through so much together!” He began to pace in a small circle. “What about when I helped you out during the whole Black Arms war? What about when we all kicked Metal Overlord’s butt, side by side? What about… the ARK?” The sapphire mobian frowned at my slight wince from the latter memory. “I mean… I would like to think that we have something like friendship between us after everything that’s happened!” The cobalt male stepped back to where he’d originally stood, his hands gesturing wildly as he spoke. But then his arms fell back to his sides, his voice lowering. “That’s all I want from you… Is that so much to ask?”

I played with the fringed end of the scarf, feeling something in my chest tighten. Oddly enough, despite the freezing weather, some semblance of heat entered my being. “I... suppose not.” My crimson eyes searched sincere green pools. “Thanks.” I couldn’t stop a miniscule up-turning of the corner of my lips.

Ah, this mysterious, strange feeling again… Somehow it was even stronger this time. This warmth… It felt nice. Nicer than I’d like to admit. I was hesitant to contemplate its true meaning. Something was weighing me down with extreme pressure, yet I still managed to feel lighter than air.

It must be… No. It couldn’t possibly be…

I refused to think more of it.

Sonic’s face instantly lit up at my response, that famous grin growing on his muzzle. “That’s the spirit, bud!” That smile faltered for a moment, however, and he sat down in front of me. “It’s too bad that you couldn’t come to the party, though.”

I snorted, indifferent. “I wouldn’t worry myself over it, blue hedgehog. Frankly, whatever goes on at these Christmas get-togethers is beyond me.” I shook my head, frowning. As I mentioned earlier, the only thing I really knew about the holiday was the vague idea that people buy things for each other and stuff themselves with food—the latter of which I was entirely unable to do, being an artificial being who gains sustenance by absorbing Chaos Energy. Maria was all about it, but I failed to see what was so special about it now that she was gone.

The blue hedgehog gaped, now leaning forward on his hands and knees to look at me in almost exaggerated shock—much to my discomfort, as the space between his face and mine was seriously lacking. A little more than slightly self-conscious, I strained to cover the heat of my cheeks by using the other’s green scarf. “Are you kidding? Christmas is, like, the best holiday ever!”

He proceeded to childishly plop back down onto his bottom, swinging his hands up in the air to flamboyantly convey his point. “Ya get to plant a tree in your house and decorate it, eat a bunch of awesome food, hang out with all your friends, scare the kids into thinkin’ Eggman’ll break into the house all dressed up and calling himself ‘Santa Claus,’ and, best of all, ya get to open—oh! I almost forgot!”

He jumped up, much to my surprise. “Stay right there; B-R-B!”

The other sped off, leaving me to wonder just what he was up to, among other things. “B-R-B…?” I uttered in slight puzzlement, furrowing one brow and idly flicking my ear to rid it of snow.

Before I could contemplate ignoring his instructions and leaving to go someplace warmer, Sonic appeared once again, his hands curiously behind his back and a ridiculous smile on his face. I gazed at him warily. He didn’t move. One of my eye-ridges rose. Did I really have to ask? “What are you up to?” I finally spoke, my voice revealing just an ounce of impatience.

The next thing I knew, a small box messily wrapped in colorful, shiny paper was shoved in my face, a massive beam dominating Sonic’s muzzle. “Merry Christmas, Shadow!”

“…!” I gasped breathlessly, startled, feeling almost as if the wind had been knocked out of me. I leaned my head back to get a better look at the package. “Oh… Uh… I didn’t—I-I mean, there’s no need…” My eyes rapidly alternated their sight between the gift and the giver, utterly helpless.

I’d… never gotten a gift before. I always insisted that I didn’t want nor require any sort of free reward or prize; I worked not for gain, but for my undying purpose. This… was different, however. This was a present from one friend to another; it was a result of the strong bond formed by friendship. Trust. Admiration.

That warm feeling came back at full force, and I had no idea how to react at all. I wasn’t used to this. I wasn’t prepared for this. I wasn’t made for this.

Sonic’s large grin transformed into something a little more… gentle. “Hey,” he grabbed a hold of my now trembling hands (I tried to calm them, albeit failing miserably), opening them and placing his present within prior to clasping them together, stubbornly insisting for me to accept it, “don’t worry about it, eh? You deserve a little something for all the good you’ve done for the world.” His smile quickly turned to shocked concern, however. “Shads… why are you crying?”

“Wh-what?” I couldn’t speak any louder than a whisper, much to my surprise. I hastily raised one hand to my face, eyes widening as I discovered the wetness of tears seeping from them. Guess I really just couldn’t handle his kind words and actions along with this new emotion wreaking havoc with my system.


Mortified at the thought of the blue hedgehog seeing me at my weakest, I immediately shoved him away, rushing to my feet. “Get the hell away from me.” I snarled at him, though it sounded more like a broken, whimpering sob. Without further ado, I stumbled off into the dark forest—ignoring the frantic call of my name—desperately seeking solace in the frigid solitude of the wilderness before me.

Everything blurred as I ran off. The things around me—the trees, snow, and ground—were slowly becoming distorted and meshed together. I’d lost my sense of direction in more ways than one. I couldn’t think nor feel; I couldn’t even breathe.

I gradually halted, tripping and falling onto my hands and knees. My whole body shivered, the cold once again thoroughly consuming me. It only occurred to me then that the scarf I’d been wearing had unraveled and fallen off at some point during my escape. The air nipped and bit through my thin fur and into my skin; I ached for warmth.

After a moment, though, my attention drew to a solid, pointed-edged something hiding underneath my palm. I readjusted my stance, sitting up onto my knees and leaving my hands free so I could identify what, exactly, I was holding. My dried eyes grew slightly wider in recognition: the gift. The overall reason I had run away from the other in the first place.

Extreme hesitance took over as I closely studied the small package. Now somewhat calmer as compared to during my… outburst, curiosity overtook me. What could it possibly be?

Perhaps if I just took a little peek…

Slowly—very slowly—my hands fingered the vibrantly hued paper, tugging at the ends to open it up. Gingerly, as if handling something extremely delicate and fragile, I continued until the covering was gone and I was left with a black box of velvety texture. I swallowed silently. My mind screamed at me, the anticipation tearing me to shreds.

Get it over with, already!  

Exhaling a puff of briefly warm condensation into the icy atmosphere, I lifted the top open with the pad of my thumb. What I discovered was a locket. A plain silver locket.

A flash of white caught my eye before I had a chance to inspect the gift further. Its source was concealed within the underside of the box’s top. I fished out the flash of white—a piece of folded-up paper—opening and smoothing it out. Scribbled on it with messy handwriting was this: “Hey, Shads! Merry Christmas! Open the locket to see what’s inside. Hope you like it. – Your friend, Sonic.

Folding the note back up and pressing it back in its original hiding place, I placed my attention back to my present. With some hesitance, I gingerly picked it up and held it between my forefinger and thumb. I lifted the small hatch, revealing what was inside. My breath halted abruptly.

Maria. A faded picture of Maria.

A brief second went by, and the snapshot was instantly blurred by the tears gathering up in my eyes. I lifted the small portrait closer to get a better look.

I’d almost forgotten what she looked like.


The painful tension constricted my throat.

The bright smile on her face.

The tears fell down my cheeks hard.

The glimmering blue of her eyes.

The sobs racked at my chest.

The golden strands of her hair.

The nostalgia consumed me.

I missed her.

Utterly lost within my mind, broken down, and unable to function, I failed to notice the calls of my name grow louder and louder as their source came closer to where I kneeled.

The voice faded once Sonic found me. My ears picked up the snow crunching under his shoes as he stepped nearer. I flinched as a comforting hand captured my shoulder, bringing me back to reality. My eyes opened wide as the scarf I’d dropped earlier was gently placed around my neck. My back was then pressed against his, both he and I now sitting down on our bottoms.

I half-heartedly struggled to get out of his grasp, unable to admit how nice it actually felt. My muzzle burned in embarrassment and uncertainty; I clenched my hand tightly, closing the locket with a soft “snap.”


“Shh, Shadow…” I heard him say. His voice wasn’t in a whisper—just soft. Fingers smoothly slid over my own and became entwined with them, one thumb caressing the knuckles of my fisted hand and effortlessly making it lax. “You opened your present? You like it?”

I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. Sonic pressed slightly closer, his chin resting on my wool-covered shoulder. “I found that picture when we were up at the ARK. I knew she really meant something to you. What better way to remember her than keep a little reminder of her, huh?”

He sighed; I shuddered lightly, feeling the hot, moist exhale sweep against my ear. My thoughts were in complete turmoil, unable to comprehend this blue hedgehog and his actions.

As if he’d known what I was thinking all along, he changed the subject to something a little more personal. “You... you know how I said I wanted to be… your friend?”

I almost didn’t catch his words. His muzzle was now buried into the scarf, into my neck, every syllable felt as his lips barely brushed against it. “Well…”

I gasped, whimpering quietly as one, two, and then more kisses landed on the side of my throat.

“…I’ve always wanted to be a bit more than that.”

A blur of movement, and, suddenly, I found myself on the ground, looking up at two half-lidded pools of emerald that held pure, indescribable emotion.  They grew closer, and I could soon feel warm, moist puffs of breath brush against my dry lips.

My mind instantly blanked. Unconsciously, I wet my lips, noticing the other’s eyes shoot down to see for a split-second before locking back onto my own. He lowered his head more, which, in turn, caused our mouths to brush against each other briefly.

I shuddered, exhaling heavily; Sonic expressed the same reaction, pulling me closer with his arms around my scarf-clad shoulders. The next think I could feel was a soft, smooth something push against my lips, gradually growing in pressure and moving in such a way that it caused tingles of warmth to continuously shoot through my body. I could do nothing but take it, my brain still pathetically useless while this… this… fantastic, wonderful sensation hi-jacked my senses and made me utterly limp.

But then it all stopped.

In dismay, my eyelids lifted (when had they closed?) almost lethargically to view my counterpart. The hedgehog’s chest was heaving as it pressed against my own, muzzle rose-hued and gleaming, barely-opened eyes looking back at me.

Before I could utter even a single, unintelligible word, he came back for more. Fawn lips kissed mine fiercely, encouraging my own participation. I hesitantly obliged, my head pushing upward and my lips moving in sync with his. The body above shivered, and the other’s head tilted in order to allow more access to each other’s mouths.

“Mmh…” I grunted, my hands twitching before they came to rest on Sonic’s shoulders. “…Ngh!” My brows furrowed weakly once I felt the presence of a wet, curious tongue poking around the opening of my lips in an effort to gain entry.

I denied him, instead, twisting my head away weakly to break the heated kiss and gather some much needed oxygen. I scolded him when he feverishly tried to rejoin our lips: “Enough!” I breathed heavily into the icy air, feeling my head clear up as the haziness departed somewhat.  The tingly numbness, however, never once left my lips. I slowly ran my tongue over them, sampling the other’s unique taste.

…Chaos. What… what did I just do? My thoughts returned with a vengeance. I let Sonic the Hedgehog kiss me? I returned it!?

Oh, Chaos, Shadow…

Mentally shaking my head, I glanced to the side of my head, finding the hedgehog quietly panting and nuzzling into my neck.

These feelings—the ones that heated my cheeks, made my heart race, twisted my stomach, confused my mind, and warmed my entire being—I finally understood their origin. It was a simple, secular emotion, both unique and common—a beckoning for either true happiness or complete devastation.

I love you, Sonic.

Sighing into the scarf, I turned my eyes toward the sky. My eyes widened, lips parted in awe.

The snow had stopped falling, the clouds had parted, and… stars. Stars everywhere. Against the ebony abyss, they shined brightly in an infinite amount—even more so than when viewing them from outer space.


My sights trapped by the stars, I didn’t notice the other recover.

My ears perked at the sound of a low whistle.

“Wow. The stars really are beautiful here. Like diamonds in the sky, eh?”

I gazed at the one now laid out on his side next to me, gloved fingers shifting through the feathery locks of fur on my chest, twinkling emeralds hooked onto the heavens above, and a grin stretching his moist lips.

My hand found the silver locket once more, gently pressing it against my palm. I could no longer feel the cold penetrate me. I smiled.

“Yes. Like diamonds in the sky.”

Collab - Classic x Modern Lovin'
Once Upon a Time
Another one of my revisions, this time with 100% more Sonadow. Enjoy!

Sonic the Hedgehog, Shadow the Hedgehog, and Maria Robotnik © SEGA/Sonic Team

male 1,195,726, female 1,085,579, gay 149,635, human 108,403, hedgehog 76,029, sonic 61,774, sonic the hedgehog 60,166, m/m 50,627, mobian 29,396, love 24,208, kissing 22,901, christmas 21,844, sonic team 19,747, shadow the hedgehog 17,014, sega 15,196, yaoi 13,636, shadow 13,098, romance 9,075, sonadow 8,911, winter 6,381, friendship 5,329, shadonic 1,742, comfort 956, shadowxsonic 666, sonicxshadow 558, flashback 551, angst 544, maria 515, maria robotnik 413, first kiss 186, sonic/shadow 24, shadow/sonic 17, pov first person 2
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 12 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 9 months ago
Then the next day sonic and shadow had I cold a very bad one for staying outside all night.

Hope u like it
For me not really
12 years, 9 months ago
lol I wouldn't be surprised. XD Thanks!
12 years, 9 months ago

Shadow: Im blaming you that we got sick
Sonic: WHAT!!!!
Shadow: well you or we no you keep us outside when it was 2:00 am!
Sonic: don't worry shadow a lest I get to stay with u
Shadow: *blush* whatever I'm going to sleep
12 years, 5 months ago
You have no IDEA how much this story meant to me when I read it on DeviantArt...
11 years, 6 months ago
So happy yet so sad I'm frying my eyes out over here this is amazing and there gonna have on heck. Of a cold the next day well sonic at least shadow can't get sick XD poor sonic
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