Don’t think for one second I’ve forgotten about my top Pokeyman OC what with all this Scraggy and Scrafty noise going on. Gem is still my favorite by far, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Besides I’m tired of sadfayce Gem in this comic let’s skip to regular Gem.
I figured the first page of the first chapter should be shaded in full. In fact, I’m probably gonna start paying more attention to shading now. At least for a while. Just don’t expect a new page every other day like it was with the prologue. There are other things I have to work on and other things I wanna draw. And holy carp I am amazed I spelled that huge 34-letter word right without looking it up first… and I’m actually not 100% sure whether it’s a real word or not. I know the song writers made it up themselves, and even a definition for it, but… I dunno.
Oh yeah and uh Gem are not perfect at talking Engrish yet. But at least he can tell Engrish words at all. He’ll get better later on.
Panel 1: “Gem, Night Shade.” “Got it.”
Panel 3: “Well done, Gem. You haven’t missed a target since last month, and your English is remarkable for a Pokemon.” “Because you’re a great teacher. I can even tell ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’.” “That’s… not a real word, Gem.” “No, but I can still tell it if I want to.” “Say it.” “Yeah that.”