What's up with with all the filler pages? You must have wondered how it can be that when cartoonists don't have time to draw their webcomics, they seem to have time to draw a filler page instead!
Admittedly, they can reuse old drawings, but still.... With the exception of me, CARTOONISTS ARE LAZY BASTARDS! ;-) (I have a good excuse, but I will not bore you with it!)
Here you are! Enjoy some foxbutts while you are waiting for the next installment of the Fox Comic!!
THEY are not going to fool anybody -if they THINK they can walk among men as men.
Still, I am reminded of my vulpian family that tried to sneak into a circus disguised(?) as humans,to see the acts (2 escaped from the sideshow there years ago). The story was supposed to run 3 issues, but was so badly constructed that work on it ceased, and a change had to be made to a story further on ,to NOT refer to these issues. Continuity mess-ups -one reason why I stopped cartooning 19 1/2 years ago.
THEY are not going to fool anybody -if they THINK they can walk among men as men. Still, I am remin
Comic books have flubbed around like this, with filler issues (repeat of older issue) because the artist/writers could not get the story for the upcoming issue done on time.
Comic books have flubbed around like this, with filler issues (repeat of older issue) because the ar