I can't believe I've produced 200 pages of this thing, and I've loved every minute of it! Chucky celebrates his 200th page by playing in the snow and being revisited by a slightly obnoxious but well meaning bunny boy.
That's probably more the norm. Kev is based off a real person I who talked like this at 18. And I knew a guy in college who was 22 and still had a very strong lisp.
That's probably more the norm. Kev is based off a real person I who talked like this at 18. And I kn
No matter how old you are, your never too old to play in the snow really. Also congrats for 200 pages, this has been such a great comic so far and I look forward to hopefully many many more pages too.
No matter how old you are, your never too old to play in the snow really. Also congrats for 200 page
A long time ago, my boss introduces me to a new engineer they just hired. He sticks out his hand, "Hi, m-m-my n-n-name is S-s-s-s-stan T-t-t-t-t-t-t-tonsitch." So I grab his hand "Glad to meet you S-s-s-s-stan, do you spell T-t-t-t-t-t-t-tonsitch with seven or eight Ts?"
I got that deer in the headlight look, my boss about shit himself, then Stan replies, s-s-s-seven." And starts laughing.
Oddly enough, while he still had issues with stuttering at work with others, he didn't do it with me.
Have to tell you my stuttering story. A long time ago, my boss introduces me to a new engineer they
Ha ha, cool story. Nah, Kev isn't hitting on Chucky. He pretty much still has the social maturity of a kid, complete with the 'ew girls have cooties' state of mind.
Ha ha, cool story. Nah, Kev isn't hitting on Chucky. He pretty much still has the social maturity of
Perfect place for it. This is based off an actual event from college. Some friends and I were just goofing off doing Monty Python's Ministry of Silly Walks routine and these two girls came out of the dorm laughing at us saying, "Dorks!" So my friend goes, 'SSSSuck a dick!' as we walk off.
Perfect place for it. This is based off an actual event from college. Some friends and I were just g
200 pages! BIG Grats on that! :D Also it must be hell for a bunny to have a lisp with buck teeth like they do. Hope he can get his lisp fixed. And he doesn't like girls.....interesting. ;D
200 pages! BIG Grats on that! :D Also it must be hell for a bunny to have a lisp with buck teeth lik
The backgrounds are all done by hand in Photoshop. I do often reuse backgrounds and I'll tweak them slightly to fit the scene. The background in the first two panels is from a previous page, I just added the layer of snow to it. A lot of the objects in my backgrounds have files of their own. I have various trees, campus buildings, and one file that is just a huge brick wall.
The backgrounds are all done by hand in Photoshop. I do often reuse backgrounds and I'll tweak them