" | This novel will have a few darker themes. Mind control, brainwashing, and underaged characters (all played straight, and each of which breaks a, maybe the, cardinal rule of the lapdragonverse - consent is sexy) baby selling, and white slavery. (I could go into a list of justifications between that and institutionalized slavery amongst black African nationals in the south, but I'll spare you all, and leave it at "One's legal, one's not" for this purpose.) Consider how you'd react if someone seriously offered to sell you a brainwashed baby. I intend to take this novel at least that seriously, and since the wisecracker-in-chief was the first one drugged into compliance, I'm going to have fewer opportunities to relieve the tension. I intend for justice to be done in the end (I've already come up with the ironic twist), but Gods help me, I have no idea how to get there yet. The villains are pretty damn competent. Also, the trauma of being used to violate your own deeply held convictions via drug-induced compliance will be a theme in the second half of this, which has blown past NaNoWriMo thanks to other personal projects, but I'm still at least three quarters in on this thing. There's always been some high-concept sci-fi in the background, but I've always had trouble revealing more than little snippets of it at any time. NO MORE! I promise, I WILL do it, whether my schedule is blown or not. |