I want to really get around to uploading some of the concept stuff I've been working on for the Game Project "D-Resonate Sonata of the Phantasm". Starting with the "Witches of the Four Seasons" Bosses from that game. Autumn through Summer have been colored while I'm still deciding on the color of Vivian's Outfit (her skin complexion, hair and eyes are already set). All 5 of them with each be up over the course of November along with the rest of Waking Forest (the first area of the game) and other concepts such as the enemy and boss concepts I haven't uploaded here yet.
This will all be done along side Commissions and a few requests I owe as part of an old favor on another site I'm on. Going to be a busy few months of horribly low profit (unless I find work that is).
The Witches of the Four Seasons (c) Kwame A. Fletcher a.k.a Kyanbu Artwork by Kyanbu D-Universe D-Resonate (c) Kyanbu