'Rabbit-Woman descended on clouds from the night sky, bearing a flame on each paw without being burned or harmed by them in any way, and gave them to our tribes. She taught our people how to use the fire and control it, and she became known as Rabbit-Woman the Fire Bringer and is revered by all our peoples' Thus the young mother, Jessamine spoke to her daughters, Joan and Alice, teaching them the legends of her people and ensuring that the Legend of Rabbit-Woman would live on in the memory of all.
--- Another wonderful little picture commissioned by my dear friend [iconname]Liane[/iconname] who is too sweet for words. I stole her description and title because, well, how could I top that?
It really is! liane comes up with such wonderful ideas, and she finds the best artists to bring them to life, too. I can't take a lick of credit for this piece. I just own Jessie, the mouse/weasel hybrid on the right there, and share ownership of her two daughters with liane. But it's one of those ideas I wish I'd come up with!
It really is! liane ( https://furaffinity.net/user/liane ) comes up with such wonderful ideas, and