very good job, I can't wait to see it finished..However, can you really call Popeye human? According to his doctor he's monster with tumors on his forearms, had a stroke two years ago and has months to live lol
very good job, I can't wait to see it finished..However, can you really call Popeye human? According
Se ve que te lo estás tomando en serio :) Deben ser muy buenas esas clases, porque haber ido sólo un día y ya saber hacer eso tiene mérito xD. Yo aún no he tocado el ZBrush, pero tengo ganas de probarlo
Se ve que te lo estás tomando en serio :) Deben ser muy buenas esas clases, porque haber ido sólo un
Also reminds me of Snuff, the mega-chinned partner (and sometimes enemy) of Creepy Rat, two main characters in Kaz's Underworld. There's no consistency or continuity in the strips, so anything can happen.
Also reminds me of Snuff, the mega-chinned partner (and sometimes enemy) of Creepy Rat, two main cha
I guessed Popeye before reading the description. So I guess it means it looks like him pretty good. Kepp practicing, I know you got what it takes to make it!
I guessed Popeye before reading the description. So I guess it means it looks like him pretty good.