name: jack. species: scolipede. subspecies: orbion. gender: male. size at shoulder: 10 feet. length head to tail: 15 feet. weight: 1015 lbs. abilities: unknown. personality: kind, caring, fun loving. likes: snuggles, belly rubs, food, friends, sweets. dislikes: needles.
back story: jack is just a big snuggle bug, born in the wild and being a very unique type of bug, he being part of the orbion sub species (idea for the orbion belongs to :iconfreakness96:) and is slowly learning the things he can do, but he just loves to snuggle with his friends and any one that needs a friend, he also loves giving people a warm safe and squishy place to rest in. so feel free to say hello and give him a hug. ^w^