As the sun begins to fade on this fine, nacho establishment, the chef's face twists into that of horror at the endeavor that he sees walking before him. Due to their promotional statement... A beast... Has decended upon them. He begins to question his sanity as that hulking bedonk swings through the doors... All is lost... They must order more cheese... But dat ass Doe...
As the sun begins to fade on this fine, nacho establishment, the chef's face twists into that of hor
Good god, that energy. That smile. It really kicks the cute off the scales! <3 This pic has soundly reminded me exactly who my biggest furry crush is. Which is pretty well my biggest fictional person crush. Remember Gadget Hackwrench? Well I don't! Not at the moment anyway. XD Frick, I'm commenting a week later and I'll still be swooning over this at 3 AM!
Good god, that energy. That smile. It really kicks the cute off the scales! <3 This pic has soundly