----------------------- This was Matthew's second meeting with Cathy Weseluck. It was Matthew's hope to not only make her aware of the presentation, but try to get her to attend the disabilities panel to see how, for a second year running, one of the characters she voiced was a part of it.
Whether Cathy was in attendance, or not, is unknown. However, she was very happy to accept a copy of Matthew and Ari's Twinkle Morningdew[/i]. She also was kind enough to sign this hand drawn image of Spike that Matthew received from one of the key members of "Bronies and Pegasisters of UCF" - https://www.facebook.com/groups/BroniesOfUCF/
Matthew also paid to have a poster his wife got for him signed by Cathy. The poster was one neither Cathy, or her colleague, had ever seen. It's unfortunately too big to scan.
Matthew also confirmed with Cathy that she did do a voice in one of the first cartoons he had ever watched as a child, Kissyfur[/i]. She did the voice of Bessie the Goose. Unfortunately, any trace of this particular role cannot readily be found. It is believed that it was only on a Promo Reel that never got released. :(