The emeralds have lost a robot. Sorry but strength and power aside, if you're uncontrollable and just blow shit up at the expense of your teammates, you might not be worth keeping around.
I figured they Metal Sonic would be to risky with friendly fire, but now it looks like Eggman is running his mouth a bit too much. Nothing like bragging about deception to the one who was deceived and needlessly belittling her won't be doing him any favors. No surprise that he'll be the one to throw the rest of his team down the stairs to win and I doubt he'll be easy to eliminate despite how many enemies he'll make, but that'll make things all the more enjoyable for us.
I figured they Metal Sonic would be to risky with friendly fire, but now it looks like Eggman is run
Watching enough Sonic X, I'm rather flabbergasted that Eggman can continually convince so many that he's going to help them out after repeatedly backstabbing them over and over again just by using a few convincing words and maybe some false tears.
If I can make a prediction, I know he fools Knuckles a lot so I wouldn't deny he'd form a partnership with him, though he would probably stab him in the back immediately after. I would assume he'd get Rouge and maybe Omega to form an alliance to avoid elimination as well as form a secret partnership with Shadow on the other team to essentially play everyone against each other and dispose of anyone as a "sacrifice."
I'm interested to see what he does next. Currently, I'm rooting for Tails since he's my fave Sonic character and Chip because best undies.
Watching enough Sonic X, I'm rather flabbergasted that Eggman can continually convince so many that
Yeah I saw the first three seasons of Total Drama then I lost interest in it. Fortunately for Eggman he doesn't have any hair on his head to end up getting shaved bald (he has a stache, but that is something nobody messes with). Well, being the Heather (or Dick Dasterdly if you watched Wackey Races) he'll be the guy who makes things interesting. And while he might be the biggest jerk on the island, he'll definitely be deserving of winning the whole thing just for how much effort and planning he puts in, though karma is bound to catch up to him.
Yeah I saw the first three seasons of Total Drama then I lost interest in it. Fortunately for Eggma