Originally posted in January 2014, I continued to work on it and re-upload over the course of 2 weeks to accomplish what you see above.
Created by another friend of mine in high school and paid for, his sketches were put on my profile until he requested they be taken down despite giving him credit within a month or two. I finally had managed to rediscover his profile and saw he had posted most of them on his own, and proceeded to download them due to having paid for them in the first place, and began cleaning this one up first.
While incomplete, this took me approximately 20 hours to complete, linework, coloring, and shading what I did do, including trying several methods for creating a mossy appearance for some of the areas. When consulting someone who was at the church I... attended*, I was told by an art major that the amount of time I spent up to that point was right on par with everyone else who was in the industry, and was impressed when I told her it was my 7th digital work ever, even with it giving me lineart intially. Another piece I am quite proud of.
Also, this was commissioned back in 2005-2006, so this is definitely not related to another character several others have suggested from a recent-ish movie.
Original Sketch for comparison: fav.me/dtcbxy
9 years, 7 months ago
07 Jul 2015 17:47 CEST
Initial: 5be3f32e72a3cded9f00bc6d9bd0b256
Full Size: 5be3f32e72a3cded9f00bc6d9bd0b256
Large: 0bf45809881430c01276d16039c47157
Small: 12079b3847fbf2f43acdc04e587d33a4
1 favorite