's idea was great and very funny!And we decided to make a comic!Besides, who has not passed by this situation before?Pee-ew!**
Poor pups, it seems that they have eaten many sweets during the day when they were at school! And now they have stomach ache!And worse, Matt was tortured by these " stinky odors"!Matt run for your life!^^
But as you can see, someone loves this kind of "perfume"!*giggling*
Guest character invited(cameo) Richie and belongs to
The smells we like or dislike are learned, not inborn, and vary from person to person to person, based on their first experience of the smell, and whether or not they were expecting it to smell good or bad before smelling it.
I'm so happy you liked my idea. Plus, it works cause, their dogs and dogs smell worse then a normal human fart. So, I can imagine what it be like if a dog farted in a car. But, to have two fart in a car wow!
I'm so happy you liked my idea. Plus, it works cause, their dogs and dogs smell worse then a normal
Well ... this is what happen when you go to McDonald for 2 weeks ... or maybe if you're a hambuger lover and you always love them with this 3 extra slice of onions and 2 slice of mozza cheese ... or maybe you're a big shish Kebab amateur ...
Yeah ... after that your nose is pretty fuck up XD ...LOL
Also remind of a co-worker I was working with a long time ago... Yeah when this was happening we knew that he was playing with the Harmaguedon truppet
Well ... this is what happen when you go to McDonald for 2 weeks ... or maybe if you're a hambuger l
Yea it is unconformable to smell something stinks. Hopefully the twins will be better after taking a medicine.
Although there hasn't need some nude beach pictures this year. I guess you have changed this time.
Maybe if you can ask your friend to add a character of mine (Which is Volly) to make something summer-rated. Not demanding you, just suggesting. Face (Eyes only) http://prntscr.com/7owth9
Yea it is unconformable to smell something stinks. Hopefully the twins will be better after taking a