Character Sheet for Xin-Jing the Panda (AI P-200)
Genderfluid (is able to become male or female)
Artificial Intelligence Entity (Persented as a Panda)
Unknown (Physically looks like a young adult)
Character Description
Xin-Jing's job is to be a personal secretary for all of my OCs. Xin-Jing provides data and necessary organization skills to keep their lives on track. they could easily answer any question you ask them in an instant about any topic. But, if given special request, they won't say anything. For example: Kitty has requested that Xin-Jing cannot tell Maki about her past, because it might cause trauma onto her.
The name Xin-Jing means, "Heart of Crystal" (well, from what I researched) They are a strong-willed AI that is determined to fulfill their task, whatever that may be.
Likes: Knowledge and Pocky Sticks (all thanks to Maki XD)
Dislikes: Water. Any form of water.
AI-P200 was made a year ago to help mobians in any sort of way. Kitty was the first of the group to purchase an AI (female model at first), since she has the money and needed an assistant. Kitty gave her the name "Xin-Jing" because of the way she acted when they met and the fact that Panda bears are from China. When she was brought to the others, they found out Xin-Jing could change genders at their current owners will. For this, Kitty decided to share Xin-Jing among the group, to which they agreed.
Mobius, resides with Kitty on most cases
Normal black and white fur patches with hazel eyes and silver hair. The male version has an athletic form while the female has a curvy body form and they both have fluffy white bear tails.
Both of their color schemes are black, white, silver and blue.
Female: White halter top with blue and silver polka dot skirt and blue high heels
Male: blue sweater with white and black plaid undershirt and jeans with blue sneakers