normally I praise the Sun lol but for niar she is a vampiric dragon that relate with the blood so it should be the moon , the blood moon
So " Praise the Blood Moon \()/ "
just update her lore a bit
For Her tribe , Lucretia tribe , the bloodmoon night is happen once a few years
this is their sacred night about the born of new life
- normally their population is low the born rate is low because their female has a body of 13 years old girl and their body won't grow more than that
- This Bloodmoon give them a power don't mess with them in this night
- this is the best night of them to get pregnant and have a child ( new life) So they worship it
- Lucretia tribe will celebrate the bloodmoon festival for weeks
ps. this is what she look like in the Sacred bloodmoon night have a little bit change form her normal
9 years, 9 months ago
25 Jun 2015 12:09 CEST
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