" mirror and the dark then when you turn around and and your reflection on the mirror don't " I think this theme of horror it had all around the world my country has it or in the horror movie it's has this theme too :)
just a bit curious why Japanese ? " mirror and the dark then when you turn around and and your
sry this reply and all is a bit old had a bit of trouble. I think he's getting the idea of it being japanese themed because possibly due to the construction of the background since it's like a bridge or mutli story house (sry if this is incorrect it's a bit dark D:).
A lot of japanese horror seems to have super dark scenes usually with ghosts/spirits. Compare it to say American horror where it's more like slasher films, blood, gore, violence, zombies, some, etc. Not familiar with european horror but I could think thats more like classic movie monsters. Newer horror films seems to be exorcism, demons, possessions, etc but at the same time they don't really feel like horror films or at least when I think of horror they don't pop in my head as fast as say Jason or Freddy.
sry this reply and all is a bit old had a bit of trouble. I think he's getting the idea of it being
NP It's what I've noticed but maybe it gives more insight.
A lot of mainstream stuff is from movie industries and such. If you wanta touch on different horror and well different styles it requires a bit of research and reading since America is of course the biggest movie industy. China and India seems to be producing a nice amount lately tho. But the really strange and new themes and ideas I have seen and am a bit interested in have come from places that really isn't that connected like Eastern Europe which is much different then Western.
NP It's what I've noticed but maybe it gives more insight. A lot of mainstream stuff is from movie